Phase 04-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor(pt. 5)

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(Edit: 06/26/24, I labeled it the wrong number part. This is pt. 5, NOT pt. 6)

Previously: He gazed down at her, almost analyzing her as if she were prey ready to be snatched up. If only she knew... "Meet me by my Dorm's mirror when you're done."

"Oh. Ok..." He immediately leaves after dropping that unexpected request on her lap. What was that all about?

~Twisted Tonelico~

~Night Raven: Hall of Mirrors~

Meryu stood alone awkwardly outside the mirror of SavannahClaw. Committing to her odd promise to the Lion Dorn Leader, she came to wait for Leona. Whatever he needed to see her for she was unsure, but she didn't want to turn down his request.

The Reyvateil knew she needed to find out what is the connection between the incidents, especially with new info regarding the newest victim from Alchemy earlier that day. Maybe, Leona might have some evidence regarding the case. At least, that's what she hopes.

Due to her having to take her remedial class, Meryu asked Ace and Deuce to take Grim with them to continue investigating on her behalf. Hopefully they're able to find more information for me.

She waited about five minutes before hearing someone step out of the mirror. Leona stepped out into the Hall of Mirrors, face neutral and grinning at the girl. "You came after all."

She gave him a curtsy. "I'm a woman of my word. That's how I was raised to do."

He hummed before telling her to follow him. He led her into the mirror, directly into his territory. Nervousness began to settle in her again as she walked behind the Dorm Leader. Walking past some of the students lounging or chatting loudly showed her a new side of the Savannahclaw boys she didn't expect. They act like a family unit. Like a whole household of brothers, Meryu turned away and smiled a little. With a lazy, but cunning older brother.

"What's so funny back there, Nightingale?" Crap! She got caught.

Her face turned red. "Nothing!"

"You suck at lying." He glanced at her without stopping his pace. His tail brushing almost near her face to prove a point.

"I-I.. just thought that... your dorm acts like one big family."


"Because, they all act like brothers. Always doing something that tests their strength and what not."


Leona could only laugh at her confession. "Seriously? You really are a child at heart, aren't ya, Melenas."

Her ears perked up at what he said. She was annoyed at being a child. "I am not!"

"Are so." He laughed again as Meryu pouted and turned away from him, doing a poor job at hiding her reddened face.

Their walk neared its end when they arrived to his bedroom door. He opened it up and allowed her to enter first. A 'whoa' left her as examined every inch of Leona's room. Clothes(clean and worn) strung about in a near full hamper in the corner of the room. Jewelry and other golden accessories were left strewn on his bedside dresser. His bed looked comfortable to lay on, what with the long brown patterned blanket and comforter partially covered by what appeared to be made out of animal fur. There was another table next to a huge doorless window that faced the horizon of the dorm's vastless sky.

She turned back to him, watching as he closed the door behind them."You have a lovely room, Mr. Kingscholar," the Reyvateil confessed.

He looked at her with an unreadable gaze before he walked over next to where she was standing. Her heart rate sped up, unsure about what he was about to do next. From next to him, he pulled a seat over to a table where a chess game laid out open for play. "Here," he offered her a seat. "You ever played chess before?"

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