Phase-00: Zenva ryushe tes gyas gyenel ciel (pt. 3)

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Previously: Meryu continued with correcting her senior. "It's actually Ms., Mr. Crowley. You see...I'm a girl."

The room was quiet for a moment at the response, until...


~Twisted Tonelico~

"A-a GIRL?! The Dark Carriage brought not just a mage with potential not fitting into any dorm in this school, but A GIRL!?"

Confusion painted over the crowd one again, as well as anger at the revelation. A girl in Night Raven College is taboo AND VERY MUCH UNALLOWED. And for it to happen this year felt like a stung to the student body's pride. Especially considering what the Dark Mirror read of her soul.

'A girl with supposed 'Otherworldly magic!' 'What is she, some type of freak?!' 'Bet you she's freakier than THAT guy!' came from the crowd.

The head-mage, too, was beside himself, mumbling how something like this has never happened in the years he was Head-mage for the school. How he needs to correct this issue right away. With haste, he ushered Meryu to the mirror on the podium.

"My humblest apologies, Ms. Melenas. I am unsure of how you were brought here, but allow me to graciously help you back home."

The girl was caught off by the eccentric man's actions. She did not expect to be dragged so quickly to the odd relic again, but here she is. "U-um. What am I supposed to-?"

"Just look into the mirror, and imagine your home." Crowley stated matter-of-factly. "The mirror will be able to return you to where you came from. Farewell, Ms. Melenas. I do apologize for the problems that occurred this evening."

He called upon the mirror's powers, summoning the strange to appear once again. "O Magic Mirror, I call upon thee. Return this child from once she came."

The mirror was silent.

The masked man cleared his throat, and tried again. "O-o Magic Mirror-"

"There is no home for her."

That response froze the brunette on the spot. "Huh? What do you mean?!"

"The place she belongs to is nowhere in this world. It does not exist."

She almost fell to her knees. Ar Tonelico...doesn't exist... That can't be true!! The girl drowned out Dire's words, honing on what the mirror before her just said. 'Ar Tonelico DOES exist! It has to!' Maybe the mirror needs a clue of what her home looks like. Correction: maybe if it knows what her world is and sounds like, then maybe she'll be able to go home.

"Mr. Crowley!" Meryu shouted.

Said man halted his complaints, facing the girl. "Yes?"

Shoulders squared, she said to him: "Is it ok if I sing to the mirror?"

He was dumbfounded, processing what he heard correctly. "S-sing? You want to sing to the mirror?" The girl nodded.

"You see, my song could maybe give the mirror a clue about what my world is like. A lot better than just a mental image."


The room busted out with laughter at her declaration.

"Sing! Seriously!" "This girl's jokin, right!?" "Ain't no way she's serious about singing!" "Girly must think she's a princess, or a Royal Sword brat!"

Meryu puffed her cheek in annoyance. It's one thing if these boys are laughing at her, but it's another to see even the Headmage laughing at her idea, too. And that ticked her off even more. 

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