Phase 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje (pt. 10)

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Previously: Ace then decided to change the subject. "Anyways, once she's up and normal again, we'll tell her our plan. No doubt she'd be stoked to hear us kicking Riddle's ass off his throne."

He turned to his dormmate, excited to see Deuce smirking as well.

"Yeah. He'll get what's coming to him. Not just for us, but for Meryu-san."

~Twisted Tonelico~

Meryu had butterflies in her stomach. After a small examination from the school nurse, and a small chastising from said nurse, she was let go and ordered to head to her dorm immediately. And as for any tasks that she still needs to do such as school work and PE, he ordered her to be on light duty for the next two to be safe.

Once she and Grim had left the office, Meryu had wandered the halls a bit to find Ace and Deuce, hoping that being with familiar faces would ease her mind. I didn't expect to faint like that again...but it didn't feel like a faint spell, it felt more like I was-

"Meryu?" Grim's voice broke her out of her musings.


"You sure you're ok?" He crossed his little paws from his place in her arms. "Ever since we left, you've been super quiet. It's kinda creepy."

"Creepy? And I thought the Great Grim doesn't get scared." she teased.

"O-of course I don't! I just don't want you quitting on me until I've become the greatest Mage in the World!"

She laughed at that. "Don't worry, Grim. I won't leave you."

His eyes narrowed. "You swear it?"

She answers with a boop to his nose. "I swear it." she laughs as he rubs his nose in feint annoyance.

"Aww~~! Such an adorable moment. I wish I had my phone with me to capture it!" A new voice chimed.


Falling on her butt, Meryu and Grim looked up to see Lilia hanging above the ceiling again. "Hello, Melenas-san. Grim."

"Nyah! You're hanging off the ceiling again!! Wait, aren't you that one guy who's friends with Trey-senpai and Cater-senpai?"

"You are Mr. Vanrouge, right?"

"Kuhuhu. Indeed I am. I'm so happy you remembered me, Melenas-san." He flipped back onto the ground carefully before extending his hand to help. And she accepted it in turn.

"Thank you again."

"Not at all, my dear." He gave her a once over before continuing. "I see you are doing well now. Ace and Deuce gave everyone quite a surprise when they were carrying you in the halls." Oh... right... "While it is not my business to ask about what happened, I am relieved you are doing much better."

She curtsied to the prankster gentleman. "Thank you again, Mr. Vanrouge. And I hope you mind me asking you this, but have you seen Ace and Deuce?"

The third year pondered for a bit. "Sadly, I do not. However, I would surmise that they could be in the school library."

"Could you show us the way, please?"

'What a proper, young lady,' he thought before accepting her proposal. "Follow me."

~Night Raven: Library~

This would be Meryu's first time seeing the Library of the school since she never saw it on her first, official day of classes. It felt truly otherworldly to her, with so many books floating about from the selves. Small sconces lit around the dimmer parts of the place in warm, red light. Further back to the right side of the library were tall windows that shone the outside, letting in natural sunlight for those studying nearby. Above them was a rustic candelabra, emitting the same, red flames as its brethren.

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