Phase 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje (pt. 13)

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Previously: "THIS is Meryu-chan's magic?!" Trey and Cater were caught off guard by the Reyvateil's singing. They had only assumed her singing was nothing akin to magic. And yet, lo and behold, it was!

"Guys focus!! Keep Riddle's attention away from her so she can help break him out of his Overblot!" Ace yelled to his seniors.

"R-right!" Wands at the ready, the group prepared their assault on the twisted Rosehearts.

~Twisted Tonelico~

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!/ NYAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" They casted their duo spell towards Riddle once again. The follow ups from Deuce helped to slow down the monster behind while Cater kept his Warden on his toes with his clones. Trey did his part with Doodle Suit holding back Riddle from collaring everyone. And for Meryu, total concentration on her command to cease the Rose's attacks.

Of course, that wasn't the only song she performed. Anytime Riddle and his Monster attacked the boys or her, she jumped to singing her healing song. She switched her tune many times to heal due to the intensity of Riddle's wrath. It didn't help that the binds from her [Purger] were constantly trying to restrain him and the weird beast behind him.

"I AM ALWAYS CORRECT!! IF I FAIL TO IMPOSE THE RULES, THEN WHO WILL?! WHAT THEN, MOTHER?!" He thrashed about, ripping away the Big Rose's thorns, even as more replaced the broken ones.

"Riddle!" Trey worried, seeing his friend's angry face contorting in pain. Cater's fire shots snapped the Clover back to reality.

"Dude, don't slip up! We can't get collared, otherwise, we're screwed, remember?!" He heard the greenette click his tongue, refocusing his priorities.

"I am he, and we are they... SPLIT CARD!!" In a flash, Cater called upon a few extra copies to help repel Riddle's onslaught attacks. "Other mes! Come lend us a hand!!"

"Yosh!" The clones rushed about, aiming at any weak spots that they could find. Some distracted the beast so Deuce could land his heavy cauldrons on its head, others doubled the fire and wind power to Ace and Grim.

Meanwhile, the young woman was beginning to exhaust herself out. Her song-[Purger]-is being used beyond a limit she was used to training into and her Song Shuffling isn't helping in the slightest. Nevertheless, she kept going.

~(Sos manaf Eolia) I will bring about your end!~

~(Sos manaf yor) I will shield the innocent from harm!~

~(Sos manaf omnis) No matter what Fate will befall me.~

~(Sos manaf ciel) I will be the protector of tomorrow and beyond!~

"That's it, Meryu! Keep it up!" Ace shouted. "We got him right where we want him!"

"NO!!! I REFUSE TO BE BEATEN BY THE LIKES OF YOU!!" In a desperate attempt to fight off the girl's singing, Riddle commanded the Monster to rip out one of the Rose Trees, and send it flying like a javelin toward her. Quickly, a Cater clone tried to run near Meryu to be her shield from the attack.

'Shit!!' The boys noticed that she was left unprotected the second the tree started flying. "Meryu-san, look out!"

This caused her to stop singing her spell. Meryu could only watch as she saw the face of her demise heading towards her-

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