Phase 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje (pt. 2)

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Previously: In the middle of this garden was a student donned in what appeared to be the Heartslabyul uniform. Seemingly humming to himself.

Paint the roses red! Or else it's off with my head!”

~Twisted Tonelico~

“Who is this guy?” Grim asked. “And what’s with his cheery attitude?”

“Judging from the clothes, he looks to be someone who’s a part of your dorm Mr. Ace and Deuce,” Meryu added.

The older boy in front of them was an odd one. His hair was a bright orange blond(strawberry blond?) with part of his hair pulled back in the center in a mini ponytail. Unlike Ace who had a heart on his face and Deuce who had a spade, this individual's mark was that of a red diamond on his right cheek bone.

It also did not help that the boy’s cheery tone completely contrasted his little song. Who beheads someone for falling to paint roses the right color?!

The group walked forward, catching the attention of the bright boy. “Hi there, lil freshies!” he waved to them nonchalantly. “I’d like to chat a bit with you, but I'm in a major hurry!”

He waved his pen like a wand, and in an instant, one of the rose trees went from all white petals to all red. “That was fast!”

“That's nothin’!” the diamond boy said. “A flick of the o’ wrist and Boom! #RedRoses4Life!!”

#RedRoses4Life… was he inputting an [Extract] command?

“Oh, where are my manners! The name’s Cater Diamond, Third Year and Magicam famous!”

‘This guy is a weirdo…’ the first year group thought.

Meryu noticed a sudden glint in Cater’s eyes focusing on her before shifting his gaze to Ace “I see that one of you was unfortunate enough to get beheaded by Housewarden Riddle.”

“Yeah,” Ace grumbled. “Do you know where he is right now? We came to see him.”

“I could tell you~,” The diamond smiled mischievously. “If you help me paint these roses ASAP!”

“Huh? You want our help with painting the roses?” Deuce asked surprised.


“Why do the roses need to be a different color, Mr. Diamond? If you do not mind me asking,” Meryu pondered.

“Cause if they aren’t red, I’ll lose my head!” He rhymed.

“We heard that part but you’re not telling us why.” Ace was starting to get irked by the Diamond’s riddles.

“It’s for the Unbirthday Party later this week!”

“Unbirthday party? What’s that?” Grim, ever the curious one, wanted to know.

“I’ll explain later, time is short, and there are roses that need that #RedRazzleDazzle.”

With that said, Cater ushered the group to the nearest paint buckets full of red paint and brushes. He told Ace and Meryu to grab a brush while Deuce and Grim had their magic pen and ribbon at the ready. The Reyvateil rolled her sleeves back so no paint got on her coat whereas Ace begrudgingly grabbed a paint brush and headed straight to his senior.

“Let’s do this!” Meryu said with such enthusiasm, arms in a Bras d'honneur.

“That’s the spirit! Paint the roses red! Not blue, not green nor aquamarine! Red roses, nothing else!~”
And so the quintet painted as many rose trees that morning. There were some hiccups, from Grim almost burning a tree down, to the roses being painted colors other than red. But the trio who could use magic were getting the job done quite well. The latter of the group had some trouble keeping up, but managed to get a few trees painted, too. And as Ace hoped, the sooner the roses were, the sooner he could get Riddle to remove his collar.

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