Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 6)

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Previously: She descended the stairs that would take them to class. Her legs felt unstable but she still pressed on down the steps. She felt part of herself buckle and leaning forward. "Ah!"

"We're goners!!!" Grim shrieked. "Goodbye cruel world!!!"

She braced Grim close to her so he didn't get hurt-


-when suddenly, someone caught her before they slipped further down the stairs. Holding Meyru in place in their arms.

She didn't say anything; she tried to calm down her beating heart and tried to restore her equilibrium on the steps. She turned to look at her savior. "Are you ok?"

~Twisted Tonelico~

"Y-yes. Thank you." She carefully moved away from the person who saved her, hoping her flustered face and weak movements weren't noticed by them. Meryu gave a small glance back to the one who saved her.

He was tall and quite bulky, with shaggy white hair and pointy wolf ears on his head. His school shirt was partially unbuttoned, revealing a plain green shirt underneath. His golden, amber eyes stared at her, almost as if he appeared worried despite his rough, indifferent expression.

"You look exhausted. Must've gone all out in P.E., huh?" He gave her a once over again.

"Uh...yes." She agreed without thinking about what he just said. "Sorry again."

"Don't worry about it. Just.. be careful next time, kay?" After he gave her one more look to make sure she was ok, the boy left up the stairs, tail swaying with each step.

"I saw my life flash before my eyes again."

"Sorry, Grim. Didn't mean to worry you like that."

"Me? Worried? No way!" He vehemently denied. "If anything, I was, uh, practicing my dodge roll skills."

"Dodge roll skills?"

"Yeah! A new trick by the Great Grim to ensure he avoids getting hit by his enemies!"

She shook her head in disbelief, but let it slide. "Ok, if you say so." They went down the steps, mindful of each step they took this time to not repeat the same mistake seconds before.

~Night Raven: Alchemy Class~

Once the pair were able to settle into class(thank you Marmalade with that lateness note!)Grim and Meryu focused on their current assignment. Crewel may have pardoned them thanks to the note, but he still was firm and strict in his lessons as any other day.

"Listen closely, pups," The man in question demanded. "I know many of you are excited to participate in this year's Magishift tournament, however; I expect you all not shirk your responsibilities in my class. That said, the assignment I've given you all focuses on ways for one to commune with wildlife."

"Commune?" Some students of the class spoke the question allowed.

"Excuse me, sensei. What do you mean by commune?"

"It means, you all will craft a potion that would allow you to speak the world's language. Many years ago, there used to be people who had the ability to have complete conversations with the plants, trees, and other walks of life. I'm sure some of you are aware of this from Prof. Trein, correct?" Crewel saw many students confirm his statement. Sadly those who spoke it fluently expired due to tragedies of war. But some of their methods are still around today."

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