Interlude 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje-Ar Prasrity Fowrlle

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Synopsis: On the eve of the Unbirthday Party, Meryu tries to bide her time to calm her soul and worries over what may happen next. What she didn't know was that someone else was watching her from the shadows.

A special interlude dedicated to a moment between two people who don't know each other yet, but one day will soon.

~Twisted Tonelico~

Shortly after returning to Ramshackle, Meryu and the boys settled down for the evening. While Ace and Deuce passed out on the sofa after all that tart making, Meryu was still awake; opting to spend time outside to calm her frayed nerves, and leaving Grim to watch the duo.

The evening was cool, calm even. Meryu still couldn't believe this is what the land beneath felt like. She remembered her guardian Shurelia telling her tales of what their world used to be like back in Platina. Those were things she could only imagine in her dreams back then. But now, seeing it and feeling the caress of the wind on her body was therapeutic. And real.

But then there's tomorrow...

Tomorrow will be my first Unbirthday Party here. And my first formal event without Lady Shurelia to guide me... she thought to herself. I wonder how she would react to me being in an all boy's academy? A smile appeared on her face. She'd probably have a panic attack and tear Mr. Crowley a new one.

She laughed to herself at the image. A fiery, livid Shurelia shouting at the magnanimous Head Mage, and two seconds away from 'Ka-Boom'-ing the man to bits.

As Meryu continued to think about her guardian and only true family, she started to whisper a little tune to herself.

~Lyrnya grrena anw bale,

Bautifal ciel burle  dor~

She swayed with the wind, whispers turning into humming to herself without a care, not minding if a soul were to see her and mock her for her naivete.

~Was yea ra chanti fowrlle en hartes grlanza fhyu~

~Hyma en chs fedyya bexm, iasien sol dea houd frawr chiess herr~

The longer she swayed with the wind, the more it enticed her to dance with it; the more she danced with the wind, the more her humming became singing.

~Mea eux na idesy sor, den~

~Was yea ra vit yora riura won manafaln dor~

(~Was yea ra vit waath oz hartes dor.~)

She sang of beautiful days, warm and hopeful tomorrow's. Not just for herself but for the world. It was something she always did.

~Mea oriye na idesy sor, dea~

~Was yea erra reen yora hynne tek manafaln ciela, an mean.~

(~Was yea erra reen dilete oz hartes ciela~)

Her little soliloquy was a performance that enamored the trees, the wind, and a few critters that traversed the campus at night. All either accompanied her in her song or swayed to the melodious waves of each lyric.

Her performance even caught the attention of someone who hid in the shadows. They have never met this young woman before, but it felt as though they have. Something about her voice sounded familiar to them, but they couldn't quite put their finger on it.

Curious yet mesmerized by Meryu's dance and voice, they felt like they were placed under a spell, but they did not fear. In fact, they loved it. A sudden sense of Déjà vu sent shivers throughout their body.

The shadowy figure couldn't help but hum along with the young woman's song. A part of them longing to reach out and dance with her like the wind is. But their feet were rooted to the spot; they couldn't move at all, afraid of disturbing her performance and scaring her off.

And just as she was at the precipice of her song, someone else's voice cut through and disturbed the peace. The stranger quickly hid themselves further into the shadows at the same time.

"Hey, Minion, it's late! We can't miss the Unbirthday Party, remember?"

Meryu halted in her steps, turning to the culprit that called her name, annoyed she was disturbed. "I'll be there in a moment, Grim!" Once Grim was back in the Dorm, she sighed in lament. He's right, I need to get some rest... She starts walking back to the front entrance, giving the stars one last glance before walking in the building. I hope you're ok, Lady Shurelia. I miss you so much...

In her ascension to the door, Meryu had sung to herself one more time.

~Wee yea ra hymme yanje revm,

Sol ammue zaarn, wi innna near burle.~

~Wee yea ra hymme yanje revm,

Yor irs, wi dor yeal folten...~

She closed the door, ignoring the silent tears falling down her face.

'So this dorm is now inhabited?' The stranger thought. They felt disappointed that their favorite place on campus is no longer vacant. They inwardly sighed. 'Looks like I will have to find another place for myself.'

In a blink of an eye, they vanished with not a single trace of their presence left behind, except for a glimmer of glowing green lights.

And the echoes of the Reyvateil's lullaby from their lips.

A/N: The lullaby, out of the bold text, is all original. The Bold text and the song bgm for this chapter was one made by a former doujin group called Stellatrum. The song in question is: EXEC_FLIP_SEEDING.

You can listen to it here:

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