Phase 04-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 2)

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Previously: "Yes! I haven't had a chance to use a Hymn Crystal even before I trained with Lady Shurelia. So I am quite excited." Then she paused in her jubilee. "But isn't it too soon for us to make one?"

"Maybe, but there's a reason for that."

"There is?"

"We were thinking of testing out on the perp." Deuce said.

"The perp?"

"Yeah," Ace told her. "We want to see if this Crystal can catch the culprit in their tracks!"

~Twisted Tonelico~

Meryu's eyes widened at Ace's confession. "Really?"

"Yes. The problem is that it may take some time to work on, but we hope to finish it before the Magishift games begin!" Deuce felt quite pumped making this Hymn Crystal for the first time.

Meryu hummed at the bluenette's enthusiasm.

"All we need are pieces of some Magestones that lack their Luster and we're good to go!"

"Why Magestones?"

"They act as a basis or something like that, but we plan to have more than one used for this project."

"That's good." Meryu feels truly relieved that Ace and Deuce have been enjoying this part of their 'extracurriculares' from the school, but deep down she wonders if they truly do enjoy this or not. It still feels too early in her heart to say, but she still hopes its the former.

"All we're waiting on is for Gamma-sensei to come with the Magestones."

"So in the meantime, may I go inside you, Meryu-san~~?" Ace flirted. Of course not without instigating some pushback from Deuce.

"Ace! What the hell?!"

"Calm down, loosey Deucey. I'm just messing with her. I know she needs to give consent first before we do anything." He emphasized his statement by poking the other boy's forehead repeatedly. "Sheesh."

She rubbed the teased boy's back, hoping that would ease him. "It's fine, Mr. Deuce." She then moved her hand away. "And besides, I think it's best for Ace to dive this time around?"

"Really?" The boys said.

"Why is that, Minion?"

"I think we're cutting it close, but I think we're close to opening my first Paradigm Shift. Meaning I'll have access to stronger Song Magic onward."


"Think of it like a growth spurt, or a level up in power, Grim. That's kind of what they're like."

"Ah~ So that means, the stronger you get, the more songs for me to sleep to! Yahoo!!"

"THAT'S what you're excited about?!" Meryu only laughed at Grim's one track mind compared to Adeuce, who both were not.

Dr. Marmalade clapped their hands to get their attention. "Ok, kids. Recess is over. Time to go to work."

"Hai/ Yes, Doctor."

~Meanwhile, Night Raven: Outside the RTG~

"They said that old Coot's office should be here." Ruggie said as he and Jack made their way up to the Third Year section of the school. "Who knew they were the anti-social type?"

"I really don't get why we're coming to see them, senpai?"

"Don't you wanna talk about your feelings to Mar-whatever and their pet robot?" The hyena jokes.

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