Interlude 04-Book 02: Parith Amyure anw Titilia Rosa Rudje

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Aka, The Red Rose repents

Synopsis: Riddle meets with the Student Counselor, ready to open his heart to atone for his mistakes.

A/N: This event took place between part 4 and 5. And Riddle is the focus for this Interlude. Don't worry, a certain Fae will get his appearance back in these. Also, I am not a professional counselor or therapist. Everything here is based on limited knowledge I researched for this Interlude. There also might some OOC ness with Riddle in this one. This interlude's purpose is to act as a way of showing casing Marmalade's side role beyond RTG instructor.

Some TWs ahead: Panic attacks, crying, traumatic experience leading to guilt. And I think that about covers it. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

~Twisted Tonelico~

~Night Raven: Marmalade's Office~

Riddle had arrived to the new Counselor's office right on schedule. His hands were clammy in his gloves as he tried to steal his nerves before knocking.

He heard a 'Come in', and opened the door to see Dr. Marmalade at their desk writing down something at their desk. They turn to see Riddle near their desk. They laughed at the Housewarden's arrival. "You truly don't mess around when coming to meetings on time."

"I AM Housewarden of Heartslabyul. If I shirk any responsibilities, it'll reflect poorly on my dorm."

They laughed again. "I see." Marmalade gestured to their recliner for Riddle to sit on. Riddle complied and took his seat. "You don't have to be stiff in that chair. Relax. Consider this place a safe space for you."

He was thrown off by their statement. "Th-thank you." He leaned back a little in his chair to get comfortable, but not too much to mess up his posture.

"So tell me, how've you been so far?"

"I've been well. I recently completed my History of Magic report with perfect marks."

"Nice. Mr. Straight A aren't cha?"

"Yes. I always take my studies seriously. One must in order to succeed in their future careers." He puffed his chest, hand placed on his heart.

"That indeed. Which path are you going for?"

"...A Medical Mage. Just like-"

"-Your parents?" They cut him off. He froze on the spot hearing Marmalade saying that.

"How did you know?"

"Crowley told me," They took on a serious tone, "And, I know that they-especially your mother- are quite the professionals. So much so she stole your childhood away."

He felt angry by what they said about his mother, but he kept his cool. "She only wanted what was best for me."

"There is a difference though, Mr. Rosehearts." Leaning on their folded hands, and eyes narrowed, Marmalade hit Riddle again with more information. "A mother nurtures her children with love and education. She lets them live and have fun lives, interacting with other children. Not forcing them to study day after day, and dictating who should be friends with her child."

They took note of him clenching his hands into fists. Leaving their desk, they went to one of the shelves where a bowl of stress balls sat and offered him one. "I hear that these babies are better to de-stress than suppressing your anger into fists."

Riddle debated before taking one, and holding in one of his hands. "Squeeze it anytime you feel like you're getting upset. I know this is tough, but it's better than forcing someone else to play therapist."

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