Phase 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje (pt. 15)-END

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A/N: Edit-05/17/24: I added a scene that felt left out in context to wrapping up Book 01

Previously: “Totes agree with her there. I'm thinking of catching some ‘Z's myself. Anyone else?” A few of the others voiced their fatigue and agreed to work on restoring the Dorm to its former glory after a day's rest.

~Twisted Tonelico~

~A week later, In the Garden of Heartslabyul~

Riddle, after recovering from his Overblot and going down the path of Repentance(as best as he could), the Renewed Unbirthday Party was in full swing once more. Everyone was situated in their places like the first one before the ‘incident’.

He asked if everything from approved color tablecloths to the dormouse having jam on his nose before correcting himself. “Actually, it is fine.”

“You don't need to change yourself overnight, you know.”

Riddle looked to Trey, who began to fill his cup with the appropriate tea for Unbirthday Parties. “Even so, I want to do better.” While he doesn’t remember what happened when he was in his Overblot, he distinctly recalled a comforting tune. His mother never sung to him as a child, but whoever did it, he wanted to thank them. “And I do need to ensure that I’ve repented for all the trouble I've caused.”

“...” Trey stayed silent after that. He did have a few choice words to say to Riddle after they saved him. For Trey to finally confess his disappointment at his friend’s actions felt like the weight on his shoulders had lifted. A chance to see and hope that Riddle improves from this experience. And while they managed to mend parts of their broken bridge from time and the ruby’s mother, they was still the elephant in the room from Crowley’s bombshell statement back in the infirmary.

The fact Riddle could’ve possibly ended a life long before he blotted.

“I won’t disclose who they are for anonymity sake, but a word of caution for the future, Rosehearts-san. One’s magic can be used for medical purposes; however, it can also take a life as well. Be mindful the next time you use your unique magic.”

The haunting look he had made him cry all over again into Trey’s arms. Whoever he almost hurt, he felt guilty. He wouldn’t want his mother to find out, but the Headmage swore the incident won’t reach her ears and for that he was grateful. But he’s even more grateful for repenting for his wrong-doings. And whoever they were, he hopes to find them and double his efforts to make it up to them.

Speaking of gratitude… “Meryu-san.” He looks to the girl who finished downing her tea to remove the saltiness of the Tart she just ate.

The girl in question froze and stared at Riddle with confusion and a little fear. “Y..Yes?”

“I heard from Cater and my juniors that your singing is enchanting. Even better than the one at the Opening Ceremony apparently.”

“I suppose you could say that.”

Grim didn’t like where this was going. “Hey! The only person she gets to sing to is me! Go get your own-” His mouth was stuffed with one of Trey’s cookies.

“Sharing is caring, Grim~. No need to hog her attention all to yourself.” Cater singed slightly to the feline.

“Yeah, Grimmy~” Ace teased as well. “Besides, what’s a Party without any music?”

Deuce added the final nail in the coffin. “There aren’t any known Queen of Hearts rules that say Music is prohibited. We checked.”

“But! But!”

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