Phase 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje (pt. 3)

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Previously: From all the bizarre teachings that are far beyond the realm of what Lady Shurelia taught her; needless to say, Meryu Melenas seems to be shaping up to having a decent start to her new school life in Night Raven College.

~Twisted Tonelico~

"Aaahhh! Finally, lunch break is here!" Ace shouted with joy.

"The curriculum here is quite complicated. Makes sense considering that Night Raven College is an elite school." Deuce added.

Meryu was lost in thought as she carried Grim in her arms. Poor guy claimed he was exhausted from all the lessons-even though he zoned out of most of them and nearly got both himself and the girl in trouble with Vargus with his running. Luckily, she hummed him a lullaby to ease his mind so he didn't try to pull any more stunts while in her care.

Most of the teaching here is almost archaic to what I was taught, she thought to herself. Then again, this school focuses on teaching magic of a traditional means rather than Hymmnos... Does hymmnos exist here?

Her musings were broken by a hand waving in her face. "Hello~, Twisted Wonderland to Ms. I-can-sing-songs-that-blow-up-monsters~ You there?"

She shook her a bit, and made a face of annoyance. "Yes. And no, my songs aren't just for blowing up monsters." She stuck her tongue out. "I'm not a barbarian."

"Never said you were," he said back. "Anyway, what did you do to Grim? He looks beyond conked out."

"I sang to him after P.E."

"So that's what we heard from the bathroom stalls," Deuce couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of Grim. "How come?"

"Knowing the trouble he caused yesterday and the night before, I didn't want to take any chances of him making more of a mess and get us expelled. Plus, he was behaving himself with Coach Vargas, so I decided to spoil him a bit." Lucky bastard. Yup, definitely jealous.

The group had finally made it to the mess hall, where nearly everyone in the school was there for lunch. It was quite large, with rows upon rows of bench tables lined and spaced evenly. It almost felt too crowded to Meryu, who was feeling self conscious of being at this school.

A snort sound from her arms and Grim was wide awake again. Rubbing away the sleep(and drool) from his face, he looked around and noticed where they were. He was hit with countless smells. "Mmmm~ Everything smells so delicious!" He jumps out of the girl's arms and books it to the lunch line.

"Grim, wait!" she hurried after him with the Hearts duo in suit. They caught up to the line in time and stopped Grim, pulling him back from stealing someone's plate. "Stay put. No need to be a gluttonous thief!" She grabbed a tray for the both of them and started grabbing plates for what they will both eat.

Grim, all giddy, kept pointing and, on occasion, nabbing plates just as someone was about to take it. In his high, Meryu and the others shook their heads at the feline. 'He really does have a one track mind when it comes to food,' they all thought.

~Night Raven: Mess Hall~

"Grim, you need to be mindful of your surroundings," the Reyvateil chastised him. "I know you are hungry, but the last thing I, or anyone else, wants is to get in trouble with the Head Mage. Again."

Said friend took offense. "What, I can't help it! The Great Grim needs his sustenance."

"But could you do it, without being too extra?" Ace added in Meryu's defense. "We nearly got effed by those guys."

Some other students in line were bumped by Grim, resulting in one of the boys' carbonara breaking before he could do it. While rightfully annoyed, he tried to start a fight with the quartet for 'ruining' his meal, and make them pay for it.

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