Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 3a)

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Previously: "Not my fault it's a mess..." She was caught off guard by the doctor head patting her out of nowhere.

"Don't sweat it, kiddo. It's not your fault Bird brain left this place to decay." They removed their hand before continuing. "Anyway, the real reason why I'm here is to help make sure your Telomere levels and Cosmosphere are ok."

The sound of those old terms she used to hear almost made her cry. "Really?"


~Twisted Tonelico~

~Ramshackle Dorm: Main Lounge~

"Gamma. Status report?"

"Affirmative. Noise levels at 18%, Tranquil levels are in green nearing yellow. Telomere levels are the same as well."

While the ghosts showed Grim how Magishift is played, the mechanic doctor ran a physical on Meryu. They wanted to know what they were working with regarding her health and Telomere-her 'magical' energy reserves.

Dr. Marmalade was relieved to hear the results once they gave Meryu her check up. Considering how long she's been in this world, it's a miracle she hasn't expired yet. And they hope to keep it that way.

"By the way, when was the last time this Shurelia allowed you to have a song downloaded into you?"

"Once. But she said it was a long time ago, so I don't quite remember when it was installed."

"And Life Extending Agents?"

"...I don't really take those...Why?"

They took note of that information. "I asked because there's a chance we can make you another one in the future. That and we'll need to have you take an Agent. You may not need them, and while mine aren't perfect, they can make up the difference from the ones back in your world."

"Really?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes," Marmalade answered.

"What do you mean by download anyway? You're making it sound like my minion's a robot or something." Grim asked, feeling tired out. Seems like he and the ghosts have just finished playing outside.

They looked at the girl with an arched brow. "You didn't tell him?"

She blushed in embarrassment. "It slipped my mind at the time..."

Gamma began his explanation to Grim: "Downloading a Song is like taking medicine. Painful and bitter at first, but necessary for her protocol."

"Protocol for what?"

"Anything, Grim."

A knock at the door again caught their attention. "More visitors?" Meryu wondered. She left the others in the lounge to go answer.

It was Dire Crowley, flanked by Ace and Deuce. "Good. You're still here, Ms. Melenas."

"Hello, Headmage sir. Is everything ok?" She stepped aside for him to enter the Dorm, and escorted him to the main lounge.

He noticed how it began to look more lively. Despite some of the mess, he's impressed by how the Reyvateil did her best to keep it clean. Putting those thoughts away for now, he continued to the lounge where the rest of the residents were. "I'm here with Mr. Trappola and Mr. Spade regarding the next process of their Guardian training."

This came as a surprise to her and the boys. "So soon?" The Reyvateil said.


"Diving where? Are we going swimming or something, teach?"

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