Phase 01-Book 01: Dia rosa rudje (pt. 5)

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Previously: A magestone was left in the ruins of where the monster once stood. It shined an aurora glow in the dark of the night.

"That's... it, right?" Meryu panted. "The magestone we needed?"

Ace walked over to pick it up, looking carefully to make sure it was exactly a real Magestone. He turned over to the others, a face splitting grin on his face. "It is!"

The other threes' eyes widened before collective shouting together:

"WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!"

~Twisted Tonelico~

~Night Raven: Headmage's Office~

"Let me see if I understand this correctly. You four actually braved through the Abandoned Dwarf Mines to pursue a Magestone?"

A nod from Deuce confirmed his questioning."It's just like you said, sir."

"You asked for one, and we got you one!" Ace chimed.

After they managed to recover some of their strength, the quartet left the mines and headed back to Night Raven College. With Magestone in hand, they were ready to prove the Headmage that they could get it before sunrise. Scars and tethered clothes aside, and a nervous wreck Meryu apologizing for Ace's ruined blazer(he would've mind but his uniform had seen better days as well, so he brushed it off, blushing from embarrassment), they're now face to face with the man before them. Retelling the events of how they got ahold of one despite the odds.


The Headmage bursted into tears instantly; it startled the students a bit.

"Mr. Crowley?" Meryu hesitated to ask.

"In my eighty years as Headmage of this academy, to hear such teamwork from my students has moved my heart! I'm so overjoyed to hear this!!"

"HOW old is this guy?" Deuce muttered to himself.

The bird masked man had composed shortly after his waterworks. Facing the troublemakers before him, he spoke in a serious tone. "Considering your efforts after tonight, I revoke your expulsion and reinstate you as students of this esteemed academy! After all the trouble i went through to finalize those expulsion forms."

Ace heard exactly what Crowley muttered. "You WERE gonna expel us!!!"

"Ah, well, that is old news. Now, what I also recall is that you boys said Melenas-san's singing and quick thinking helped defeat this beast?"

"Yeah. She started singing, and a Giant Rose showed up and was holding the monster back."

"It was weird, too. Like, she even summoned a huge wave at the same time she sang... whatever her song was."

Crowley hummed at Grim's explanation. "I see, I see. Well, while having a female on our premises complicates things, I'm willing to make an exception."

"Hm?" This caught the Reyvateil's interest. "What do you mean, sir?"

"As a gracious, and generous man, I am more than happy to welcome you to Night Raven College!"



"B-but about me?! I deserve to be here, too!"

"Of course," He draws out, almost sarcastically. "You are also a mage full of potential.Seems like my generosity knows no bounds!"

Someone's on an ego trip...They thought together., sweat drops on their heads.

Crowley requested Meryu to bring Grim forth on the desk for a moment. With a flick of a wrist, a stripped, monochromatic ribbon with a palish blue magestone appeared on the feline's neck. Grim could not believe his eyes, he was so happy.

"Nyah-Hah!! Check it out, I have my own Magestone~~!!" He jumped for joy and started doing a victory dance . His little dance got a giggle out of Meryu, and a chuckle from Ace and Deuce.

"Ah, and one more thing, Melenas-san"

"Yes, sir?"

The Headmage opened one of his drawers and pulled out a peculiar camera. "This is for you. I know that you are capable of holding your own." He walks from around his desk and gifts her the camera.

It was a dullish brown color, with a design of two round circles connected to the big circle lens of the camera, almost like a mouse head. It had a mouthpiece where a photo can spit out after a picture has been taken. "What is this?"

"Why this is a ghost camera, Melenas-san!" He began going into detail to explain to Meryu that she can use that to chronicle her time in Night Raven College until a pathway for to go home has been found. In addition, it said that the photos taken with that camera can come to life, like little moving pictures.

Once his explanation was concluded, Dire Crowley finally dismissed the quartet so they could get some rest.

~Night Raven: Hallway~

"Looks like all of us are officially classmates." Ace remarked.

"Mmm. I'm happy that we managed to survive that whole ordeal, right guys?" The Reyvateil got two sounds of agreement as Grim was busy admiring his magestone. They look at the cat with a mix of exasperation and joy(the latter mostly being Meryu). I'm happy your wish came true, Grim.

Ace let out a yawn and stretched his limbs before crossing his arms over head. "Well. I'm off to bed. See you guys in class. Let's go, Juice!"

"It's Deuce- ah forget it" Deuce followed behind the red head.

Those two really do make quite an interesting pair, Meryu thought to herself. She scoops Grim up in her, holding him close as they made their way back to her Ramshackled Dorm.

Unaware that, at the same time, just like before...

The Dark Mirror hummed to life. "Hymme yanje revatail anw ciel... enne mean."


I swore that I've heard that language before, but when? And how is she able to know and use it so well?


Will she truly bring ruin to this world, or rejuvenation like the mirror said?

And if so, why now? Why after so many years did someone appear again with that kind of power?


Well, there is not much that can be done right now. We will have to supervise her carefully.

~Phase 01-Book 01: Dia rosa rudje: Phase 01: END~

Hymmnos Note(Rough Translation):

*Hymme yanje revatail anw ciel... enne mean- Sing forever more, O' Reyvateil. That is our wish.

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