Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 7)

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Previously:Meryu felt her heart break at the idea of the games getting canceled. No one should lose their chances to play. What he told me the other day about Magishift made this event sound super important. She took a deep breath and looked at her Head master dead in the eyes. "Mr. Crowley?"


"Let us help with the investigation!"

~Twisted Tonelico~

~Night Raven: Hallway~

The Ramshackle pair looked at a list of names of many students from each of the Main Dorms. The both of them discussed which victims they should speak with first regarding the incidents. Seeing the names and hearing how many got hurt unnerved her.

"It's scary how this all happened so fast..." she said quietly. "Can't believe no one told us this."

"You can say that again. But look at the brightside; we'll get a chance to play after all." Grim told her, excited to be part of this year's games.

"So long as he kept his word," She couldn't help but think back on their conversation with him last night.


"You? Wish to help? Is that what I'm hearing correctly?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yes. It's not fair these incidents are ruining the preparations for the Interdorm Tournament."

"This isn't a laughing matter nor a game, you two. You will be assisting in a case with possible suspects."

"I know, sir. What do you think, Grim?"

"Not interested."


"Didn't ya hear me earlier? They all sound like a buncha clumsy people to me! I ain't helping!"

Crowley pondered for a moment about her request, hand to his chin, and deciding her fate regarding the matter. On one hand, having an extra set of support to get this over sounds perfect. He can keep it under wraps if the public catches wind of this. Plus a student helping their fellow classmates would boost the morale of those who are unable to participate.

On the other hand, that person will get on his case if anything were to happen to her.And that's something he wants to avoid, too. This child's stubbornness will have him molting for days. He glances at the bickering pair, noticing they're at an impasse.

"Let's help out, Grim. Please?"

"Huh!? Didn't you hear me, Minion?! I. Ain't. Interested!" Grim interjected.

"You may not be, but I am!"

"Well you can count me out!"

This sparked an 'eureka!' moment in the bird man's mind.

"I see... if you both can't come to an agreement, I suppose I'll offer the job to someone else. Someone who is dashing and charismatic enough to catch the attention of Scouts worldwide. Someone who's name would be cheered by many as the greatest Magishift player they've ever seen."

Meryu saw what was going on a mile away. 'Oh no...he's buttering him up...'

Grim's ears twitched at the birdman's words. Torn between ignoring the offer and accepting it.

"But alas, I shall ask elsewhere."

"Hmm... fine! You got yourself a deal!"

"Fantastic! I knew I could count on you both!"

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