Phase 04-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor(pt. 10)

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Previously: "Long live the King...OF COWARDICE!!!"

That chant threw all of them off, and rightfully pissed off the Lion beastman. "Who said that!"

"Who else, Mr. Kingscholar!" All eyes turned to see the newcomer that dared to insult their King.

~Twisted Tonelico~

~Night Raven: Savannahclaw Dorm~

"Jack?! Melenas?!" Ruggie- no. EVERYONE in the dorm couldn't believe their eyes! Standing before them was the missing freshman and their hostage, With Grim and the Leader of Heartslabyul and his students beside them. 'Why are they in Savannahclaw?!'

"It's checkmate for you, Mr. Kingscholar!"


"We caught you and your dorm red handed!" Grim exclaimed.

"You all are responsible for everything that's happened the past two weeks!"

Ruggie laughed at Meryu's accusation. "Yeah, right. As if you have proof!"

"Why did Grim find Melenas-san's Broach on your body the other day, Ruggie?"

"!!!" Riddle had to be bluffing. "No way I had it!"

"You did. It fell out of your pocket when he tore at you demanding answers on her whereabouts." As proof, the second year held the bright pink gem in his palms for them to see. "Doesn't help you that we also discussed with Jack beforehand, and his claims back up the evidence." He offered her back her broach and she thanked him in turn.


"Not only that, we got your most recent attempt taped!" Cater waved his phone with a triumphant smirk on his face as proof.

Jack's anger started to boil over now that he was free from his restraints. "I still don't get it, Senpai! How can you be so proud of yourself ?! Of thinking this was the best thing for the dorm!!"

"You don't get it, Jack!" He yelled back. "This isn't about fighting fair! It's about revenge! Plain and simple!"

"Well what about everyone else you hurt? What about keeping Melenas-san hostage?! How is ANY of these underhand tactics revenge?!"

That ticked off everyone from beastmen to non beastmen alike. Leona's pride started to get agitated, ready to tear the intruders apart. "So what?! You think you got what it takes to beat us?!"


"I know."

"Yeah! We curb stomped Diasomnia. Getting rid of you guys will be easy!" They started charging at them.

"Meryu-san, hold off on that song." Ace told her. "Just focus on the other ones."

She nodded. "I will!"

"Like hell we'll let you!" The same boy that grabbed at her before tried again, only to grab at thin air. "Huh? Where'd she go!!"

"My, my~ How boarish of you to lay your hands on a lady."

He and his group were soon hit by a wave of water that washed them away. The others looked around for the source.

"Up here~."

They were all shocked. The Vicewarden of Diasomnia was levitating, with Meryu's Fire Hydrant avatar and said girl safely in his arms. Leaving the other parts of the mob open for Ace and Deuce to ambush them as payback.

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