Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 2)

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Previously: "Anyway, what was the second thing you wanted to speak with us about, Headmage sir?" Deuce said to stop the other two from fighting.
Dire Crowley got up from his desk, only to walk around and lean on it, bringing his hands together onto his cane. "The second thing I wish to discuss with you all," His beady eyes glowed followed by his serious tone returning once again. "Is Meryu Melenas-san's abilities as a Song Mage."

"Or rather, as Gamma-san said earlier, a Reyvateil."

~Twisted Tonelico~

~Mirror Chamber, Opening Ceremony~

"Rrha ki erra chs diasee sos ciel!"

"MS. MELENAS-!" Crowley shouted in fear as the girl collapsed and started going into a seizure. He rushed to her side, calling out to her through the static noise emanating from her.

"ARTONELICO => ADDR:0x02:04:1938:1113:1940 > enter hyzik sphilar Meryu >> exec PHANTASIA sos ciel!"

"HEY! WHAT'S HAPPENING!? WHY IS-" Riddle and Azul were confused by what they're witnessing. It happened so fast, the rest of the student body is in a near uproar. It would've been worse were it not for the Vice Wardens and other Staff trying to calm them down, or order them to leave the Mirror Chamber.

"Ag, Was yea erra chs tonelico sos yorr yanje!"


A piercing scream came out of Meryu before she finally succumbed to exhaustion. Her screamed sounded so inhumane, it drove shivers down everyone's spines.

Especially that of the lion beastman Housewarden of Savannahclaw.

He gazed at her before Crowley ordered everyone to leave the room as he rushed out with the girl in his arms. Leaving behind a room of children in silence. Only broken by the Dark Mirror's declaration.

"Rrha ki ra rre manac oz titilia revatail yor."

~Night Raven: Botanical Garden~

'Rrha ki ra rre Manac oz titilia revatail yor...What the hell did that mirror mean by that?' Leona wondered, waking up from his sleep. He's shocked that that memory is so fresh on his mind. It's been almost a month since Orientation; surely that should've easily gone away from his brain and into the trash bin. And yet...

"I don't recall seeing that in the texts back home. And what was with that dialect? How come she and the Mirror use it?" He tried shaking away those thoughts again. "Tch. Great, now I can't sleep."

"Lucky for me. It makes giving you these much easier." Someone teased the former sleeping lion.

"Ruggie." He sees his 'vice warden' making his way to his sleeping spot with a Tea and Deluxe Grilled Cheese in his hands.

"You really gotta stop making me get these things for ya last minute."

"Why should I when I got you grabin' the goods?" He rights himself to feast on his breakfast. "Nabbing the end goal is part of the plan, after all."

The hyena just rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Anyway, plan's still in motion."

"Good," the lion smirked. "High time we make things more interesting this year."

"But first you gotta meet with the other Wardens and Headmage."

"That's the easy part. Just do your role, and I'll do mine."

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