Phase 00: Zenva ryushe tes gyas gyenel ciel (pt.2)

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Previously: Suddenly one of the windows shattered, an intruder appeared on the scene.


~Twisted Tonelico~

Everyone froze at the intruder’s appearance and declaration. This monster was a small, rugged looking cat. Its fur was faded gray, with blue flames emanating from its ears. And a three prong-fork like tail. And for some odd reason, this creature wanted to go to Night Raven College. This night just kept getting weird.

Crowley stepped forward to the tiny intruder. “You again?! How many times must I remove you off campus!?”
The impish cat grinned in response. “Til you get it through your thick skull that I’m prime Mage material!”

Meryu does not know what to make of what is going on right now. First, she woke up in a dark void, then again inside of what used to be a coffin, and now she sees a talking raccoon break into the school and claims he wants to go to this college. What else will happen tonight, she wonders.

But luckily she didn’t have to wait long as some older individuals in the crowd came to intercept the gremlin by order of the Headmage. As they grew closer, the creature grew impatient and annoyed. “Nyah!! I’m going to this school! I’ll show yas that I’m perfect Mage material for this school!!!”

He began blasting fire all throughout the chamber, causing everyone to panic and run or put out the flames before anyone got hurt. One individual, a young man with ruby hair, was annoyed and angry at Grim’s actions.

“This beast is causing such a ruckus. The sentence for this chaos is beheading!” The ruby haired boy got up from his place in the high seats to the lower levels. If no one stops the beast, the rest of the ceremony will be ruined and this will set everyone’s plans back. And he REFUSES to let his plans be ruined by a meddlesome pest!

Following behind him was a bi-spectacle young man, smirking at the quarry before them. His lavender gazes relishing in the entertaining events tonight, combined with his classmate’s desire for order. He held no personal desire to stop the creature outside his own agenda. To him, this case was an excuse to witness the Red head’s magic once more.

“It seems things have gotten quite out of hand.” The bi-specs boy said as he saw many students fleeing from the gremlin’s fire. “Surely you don’t mind some assistance with capturing the beast, Riddle-san?”

The ruby boy known as Riddle replied. “If you so choose, Azul. The sooner the beast is handled, the better.”

Each pulled out a small pen with a colorful gem at the top. One red and one a pale lavender color. They had them pointed at the beast, ready to capture it. Grim panicked and began to run away, allowing the duo to give chase.

Meryu, growing worried over the chaos before her, got up and ran to a spot where there weren’t too many flames or people around. She clasped her hands together and sang a small song. “Was yea ra afezeria papana sos mean. Presia, endia fayra sos mean!”** A small, cartoonish fire hydrant with hose arms appeared, aiming his arms to the sky and blasting water high in the air. The water pouring out helped extinguish the fire in the chamber. Many were surprised by the sudden rain falling down; some were relieved of it dousing the flames, but there were those who were livid that they were getting wet. Those deepest grievances were the other individuals that were in the higher floors.

One of the individuals, a man with feline ears, voiced his annoyance at the sudden shower. “Oy! Al-Asim! Is this your doing!?” shouted, angry that he’s getting wet.

“N-no! It wasn’t me, Leona-san! I swear!” A boy wearing a bandana, Al-Asim, replied.

“Well whoever it is, they’ll pay for my robes getting soaked.” A beautiful young man complained. How dare someone ruin his beautiful robes!

“Good thing this device is water-proof. Best luck pull ever!,” a voice within a floating tablet said. “That said, who even started this?”

The water continued to fall, making the floor slippery, and causing many people to fall or trip over each other in the process. ‘Oh no!’ Seeing the mess being made, Meryu ended her spell quickly, ending the downpour.

It also caused the feline to slip on his paws and hiss as he fell on the ground. His pursuers nearly lost balance themselves, but managed to stay standing, having finally caught up to the troublemaker.

“Azul, stand back,” Riddle said. The boy with glasses happily obliged. With a flick of his pen, and a bolstering voice, the ruby haired boy shouted “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!” to the cat.

In an instant, a gaudy heart shaped collar appeared on Grim’s neck. Said feline shouted in agony at the collar’s sudden appearance. Angry at the boy who casted the spell, Grim blew his fire…but nothing happened. “GYAH!! What happened?! Why can't I use my fire?!”

“That is because I nullified your magic. My unique magic, ‘Off with Your Head’, prevents anyone who is collared from using their magic.” Riddle answered his authoritative and matter of fact attitude giving Grim (and Meryu) the shivers.
Azul began to praise Riddle for his unique magic. He admires its uses, while secretly muttering of wanting to have it for himself before feigning innocence about that last remark.

Crowley cleared out the water from the ground and marched over to where Grim and Riddle were at. “Well done, Mr. Roseshearts, Mr. Ashengrotto for capturing this beast.” He turns to face Grim with a disapproving look. “And as for you, I’ve stated to you before that you are not permitted to attend this school!” With a small command, the Headmage ordered two staff members to carry Grim out of the room and off school grounds.

“Nyah! W-wait! What about-”

“The collar will disappear once you are off the premises. Your magic will return to you then.” Riddle replied, his patience wearing thin as Grim is removed from the room.

Meryu felt pity for the little furball. He wanted to come to this place so bad, only to be denied. In a way, I can sort of understand his pain of rejection from the world. She whispered a small prayer for his wish to come true someday.

Turning to the three men before her, the young woman walked over to them. All three men turned to her, with Riddle staring her down in confusion. Meryu looked at him with concern, “You’re not hurt anywhere, are you sir?” She reached forward to check his face and his arm for any injuries.

Riddle swatted her arm away in agitation. “Of course I’m not hurt! What do you take me for!!”

Meryu backed away in a panic. “N-no! I was just-”Azul held back his amusement as Crowley quickly intervened. “Now, Mr. Roseshearts. There is no need to get upset.” Said Headmage turned his head to the nervous ‘boy’. “And as for you, Mr. Melenas-”


Crowley paused, dotted-eyes widened. “Excuse me.”

Meryu continued with correcting her senior. “It’s actually Ms., Mr. Crowley. You see…” Meryu unveils her face from the hood of her robes. Mauve pink eyes partially covered by jet black bangs and hair pulled into twin pigtails stare back at the Headmage. “I’m a girl.”

The room was quiet for a moment at the response, until…


~Phase 00: Twisted Tonelico: Tes biron~

Hymmnos Key(Warning! These are loose translations):

*Zenva ryushe tes gyas gyenel ciel: “Transcend on a journey into the World of Evil Wizards”, or basically “Welcome to the Villains' World”

**“Was yea ra afezeria papana sos mean. Presia, endia fayra sos mean!”: “I wish for blessed rain to fall upon us. Please, help put an end to these flames!”

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