Phase 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje (pt. 7)

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A/N: The style and inspiration for Meryu's dress/ causal attire is inspired by this one here.


Previously: Tart made and ready for the party, Ace left with Meryu and Grim back to Ramshackle. Trey allowed Deuce to go with them with his permission while he and Cater went back to their dormitory.


With Mont Blanc in hand, they were prepared to face the Unbirthday Party and the Tyrannical Riddle Rosehearts.

~Twisted Tonelico~


It was nightfall in Platina. Lady Shurelia was reading a story to Meryu to help her sleep. A ritual that helped the younger girl feel at ease after a long day, and a perfect excuse to spend more time with her guardian. They reached the part of the story where a little girl had encountered a Tyrannical Red Queen.

"Meryu, do you know how the queen wanted the girl to speak to her?"

"I do." The little girl carefully sat up on her bed and recited how the girl had to address the Red Queen.

"She straightened her shoulders."

"That's right. And what else did she do?"

"She curtsied."

"Mmm-hmm!" Shurelia continued to encourage her with a smile. "And then?"

"She opened her mouth wide, and had to say 'YES! Your Majesty!'"

The Origin patted her protege on her head. "Good job, Meryu! You're very smart!"

Meryu smiled with joy at the compliment.

~Ramshackle Dorm: Meryu's Room~

"Lady Shurelia..." Meryu muttered, wiping away the sleep and tears from her eyes. She smiled bitterly at the memory. "I wonder if she had notified him and his father about my disappearance? Does anyone know?" Shaking away the negative thoughts that plagued her mind, she stretched before moving to wake up Grim next to her. Once she made sure he was up, she shooed him off so she could get ready for the Unbirthday Party.

Good thing I lucked out that my garments from Platina were still on my person.

~Ramshackle Dorm: Main Lounge~

The trio of Ace, Deuce, and Grim waited in the Lounge area for the Ramshackle Prefect to finish getting ready. It was long before they heard the sound of clicking from the stairs that they looked up.

And were amazed at what they saw.

At first, they all assumed she was donning her school wardrobe for the sake of convenience (The other choice was the ceremonial robes, but that would've been kinda awkward). But instead she wore something way different. Something that made two of them go 'Where did she get that?!'

Instead of the school uniform, Meryu wore with open shoulders and back(the exposed back had a rib-like shape thanks to the threading); the sleeves were detached from the main piece for easier movability. A big bow adorned the front of the dress top, and also the back part of the skirt. It was so ruffly, it was almost as if she was going to a school dance. Her heels; the heels she wore were an interesting choice. The pencil tip points were so high, they almost made them look like ballerina slippers.

Grim, completely clueless to Ace and Deuce staring at the girl, broke the tension with a blunt question. "What's with the poofy dress? Trying to impress their Housewarden with your looks?" That shook the pair out of their ogling, and agreeing with the furball.

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