Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 3b)

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Previously: He looked around and noticed he was on some type of platform that looked like a CD surrounded by old, broken boulders that used to be walls. "Where am I?"

"You're in Meryu-chan's Cosmosphere."

"Huh? Who said that?" He took a defensive stance. Ready to fight whoever was there with him.

"I did, you idiot!" a floating figure by the rocks said. Once they poked their head from their hiding spot, they came face to face with the redhead.

He could not believe what he was seeing. "What the-?! How'd you get in here, Grim?!"

~Twisted Tonelico~

Ace couldn't believe what he was seeing! It was Grim, except it wasn't?! The floating feline looked like the troublemaking furball he knew, but instead of a withered striped ribbon, he was wearing a pointy wizard's hat with stars on his head; it covered his left flame tipped ear. The outfit he wore-which was a red robe with a belt holding it together-looked way too big for him.

To Ace, he looked so ridiculous he laughed. "This is hilarious! I can't believe what I'm seeing right now! Hahahaha! Nice one, Grim. Very funny."

Not Grim was getting annoyed. "Who the heck's a 'Grim'?!"

"You are! Duh!"

"No I'm not!"

"If Grim's not your name, then what is it?"

Not Grim donned a cocky grin, and introduced himself. "My name is Mirg! Got it memorized, kid?"


"...that's it?" Ace snorted, trying not to laugh again.


"THAT'S your name? Totally original, I get it."

Mirg was one second away from roasting the human, but he surprisingly kept his composure. He cleared his throat before continuing. "Yes, I am Mirg. I'm Meryu-chan's Mind Guardian. And you are?"

"Ace. Ace Trappola" He decided to play along. "You said we're in Meryu-san's mind, right? So is this it or..."

Mirg shook his head. "Nope. This is just the entrance."

'The ENTRANCE!?' "So where do I go from here?"

"Follow me and I'll show you," Mirg flew towards a withered down, wooden door. He clapped his paws together and it opened for the both of them. "Right this way." He gestured for the human boy to go first. He stepped inside the door...

...and into a whole new world.

~Meryu's Cosmosphere Level 2: Condition~

Ace couldn't believe what he was seeing. It looked like Night Raven College but rather than the school looking like a school, it looked like a Medical Hospital. Parts of the school were stil relatively the same, but now there were Ambulance Trucks and Vans around one side of the building. And the people he saw walking in and out of the place were different, too. From Fae to humans and beastmen, to merfolk that COULD walk on land as they were, to stuffed animals and plants; it was a melting pot of something straight out of the books his parents read to him as a child.

There were so many things wrong with what he was seeing. "What the... What happened to the school?! Why is it like this?!"

"That ain't your school, Ace." Mirg corrected him.

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