Phase 04-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor(pt. 9)

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Previously: The last ring vanishes in a bright light; the aura and glyphs all disappear, and not a peep was heard from anyone in that moment. They were that awestruck.


Riddle was the first to break the silence. "So that's what a Download is..."

"Super Epic, if not also unnerving. I actually was holding my breath the whole time." Cater confessed.

"Who knew the real deal would beat the stories about that kind of stuff..."

Ace then asked:"So, 'Ryu? You feel any different?"

"A little. It felt overwhelming because of the rush of emotions I felt from it all." She admitted.


"Yes. I felt bitterness and pain, but also the desire to seek justice, in a macabre way. A way that needs to be stopped."

"Now that we have that down packed, we just need to take care of the rest."

"HAI!/ Let's do this!"

~Twisted Tonelico~


"Would you look at that! Those pipsqueaks managed to perform the [Download] with flying colors."


"That lion shouldn't have played with fire. And now he and his pride are gonna learn the hard way."


"It's gonna be different from last time. He got cocky, and now he's literal ash and stone. Along with his followers!"


"I know it was my fault, too. But it doesn't change the fact that Karma was coming for Scar eventually."


"Don't meddle this time. Let's see how things fold out. It's best to see our doll work it out on her own."

~Night Raven: Coliseum Venue~

The next day, the Investigation Team all put their plan into action. They waited to provide Crowley with all the conclusive evidence they have regarding the identities of the culprits in tandem with ensuring their warnings reached the next victims' ears. Since Jack is well aware of what Leona ordered Ruggie to do next, most of the group went to the main street of Night Raven's campus that took them to the Magishift Coliseum.

The first year group marveled at the many stands open and the many outside guests and visitors milling about. So many stalls from refreshing drinks and snacks to handmade merch from outside sellers and those from the port town down the mountain. Seeing all the tasty snacks made Grim salivate. "Mmm~~. So many yummy smells! All this tasty food is begging for me to eat them!"

Meryu petted him and hugged him tightly at once. "Not so fast, Grim. Remember the plan. We can't get too distracted, ok?"

"I know," He grumbled. "But you better treat me after this!"

"I promise." Meryu and the boys were walking past some of the stalls, and just so happened to walk by one where a distinctive young man wearing glasses happened to notice her staring at his wares.

"Ah, greetings my fellow students. I see you are interested in Mostro Lounge's finest sundresses. Care to purchase one?"

Seeing the merchant in front of her, Riddle's warnings from before came to mind. "Um, thank you. But I must decline."

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