Phase 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje (pt. 5)

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Previously: The student before them was beautiful, though rightfully pissed...

Like a predator to his prey, he leaned forward to Meryu's face. "How do you plan to pay me back, Herbivore?"



~Twisted Tonelico~

"Huh?" This was an unexpected response. Usually he either gets pushed back til the brat gets his teeth broken, or they whimper and admit defeat, and also lose a couple of teeth. But this? This was not what he normally got.

She kept her head bowed, embarrassed for hurting someone by accident. "Oi! What are you doin', Minion!?!?" Grim panicked. Not like the position they're in.

"I didn't mean to step on your tail, sir! I swear!" She righted herself back up, not caring for the whiplash she's feeling. "Your tail isn't broken is it?!"

The older boy in front of her kept staring at her in confusion before deciding to mess with her some more. "Sadly, you did. I can barely feel it anymore." He smirked at her "How do you plan to fix this?"

The Reyvateil got more flustered. Oh no! I hurt him! If Mr. Crowley caught wind of this, I'll never hear the end of it! "L-l-let me fix it please!"

The stranger complied, lifting his tail in feint pain, and letting her hold it in her hands. 'They're dead meat if they-'

~Was zweie ra enegd corpu hyzik yor. Ieeya cremia afezeria tes yor, sor wearequewie.~

Out of the blue, a stuffed lambie in a tutu holding a small bell appeared above them. With her small arms, the lamb shook the bell vigorously, causing green sparkles to fall on the boy and his tail. Still in shock, the boy said nothing, but Grim on the other hand... "First a Rose, now a Lamb? What's with your songs being so weird?!"

The spell ended with the lamb hugging the boy before vanishing, leaving silence in her wake.

The stranger stared at Meryu, putting two and two together regarding the person in front of him."So... you're the Herbivore from that night? Little Miss Nightingale."

Meryu looked at him. "Nightingale?"

She didn't have much time to think of the odd name as another voice cut through their talk. "Leona-san!"

Said boy growled in annoyance again before sighing. "Over here, Ruggie."

Another boy appeared from the garden and made his way to the trio. His hair was a shaggy, sandy color with two hyena ears almost blending into his head. And his eyes were as blue as the daytime sky. He also wore the same color band and vest, but his uniform attire looked very baggy on him compared to his classmate.

The shaggy blonde-Ruggie- looked between Leona and Meryu before laughing. "Am I interrupting something, Leona-san?"

"Yes and no."

"Too bad. You have a supplementary class to make up. If you fail again, you and I are gonna be in the same grade next year."

"Yeah, yeah. I heard ya." He removes his tail from Meryu's grasp before walking away with Ruggie. He glances back to the girl and Grim one last time. "Next time, watch where you walk, Nightingale. Not everyone is forgiving of stuff like that."

She nods in understanding.

"Bye, Melenas-san." Ruggie waves to her before dragging his senior out of the Greenhouse. What an odd man... And why would he call me Nightingale?

A dramatic sigh from Grim breaks her musings. "I thought we were goners~. Watch where you're going next time!"

"It was an accident," she pouted.

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