Book-Prologue Phase 00: Zenva ryushe tes gyas gyenel ciel (pt 4)

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~Platina: Tower of Eolia~

A little girl of eight years opened her eyes. She woke up to see herself in her bedroom, surrounded by her favorite plush toys. The room was an off white color, with sprinkles of Mauve colored flowers and butterflies on the walls. There was a mauve colored circle carpet near the bed. And her bed was a single bed designed a bit off leveled to make her comfortable.

A knock came at the door followed by a voice. "Meryu~. You up?~ Time for breakfast!!"

"Coming," little Meryu replied back.

She got up from her bed, and went to get ready for the day.

Meryu came to the dining room. It was a simple styled room, with semi pillar wall protrusions the color of brass to contrast the pale lavender walls and ceiling. The dining room table was a burgundy set; decorated formally for a well off family to enjoy. Or in this case, a young girl and her main guardian, one who oversees all of Sol Ciel.

Little Meryu looked to the head and saw her guardian greeting her formally at the table. She was a young girl, who looked no older than fifteen. Her hair was long, down to mid back with two braids on separate ends in her hair. And two golden outlet-like hair pieces protrude atop her head. She may look youthful; however, contrary to her appearance, she's over twelve hundred years of age. This woman is Lady Eolia, also known as Syurelia. An Origin Reyvateil of the Tower of Ar Tonelico.

"Good morning, Meryu," Lady Syurelia said.

"Morning, Lady Syureli," the little girl replied, rubbing her eyes away from sleep.

"Did you sleep well last night?" A nod was her answer. "Good. Now come and eat, ok?"

Meryu did as she was told, and came to sit beside her guardian and eat. Every morning was always the same. So simple yet so comforting. All Meryu knew of the world was her guardian and the enormous Tower they resided on above the dreaded Cloud Sea. It was lonely at times when Syurelia had to leave for her administrative duties, but she didn't mind as she allowed Meryu to accompany her in her duties.

The silence slightly bothered Meryu as there is usually commotion coming from the people of Platina in the palace. She didn't mention it out loud, but she looked up to see Syurelia, only for the Origin to be gone. Meryu, now her age of nineteen, panicked as the world shifted to the garden park within the Tower. She looked around frantically, wondering what was happening. She ran til the sound of galloping hit her ears. The girl turned, coming face to face with an all black chariot and its two steeds ascending upon her-

Meryu jumped up out of her sleep, breathing heavily. Her blood was still ringing in her ears as she woke up from her nightmare.


She took shallow breaths before following along with whoever beside her ordered to do. After a few minutes, Meryu's breathing had even out enough for her to process where she was.

Despite being nighttime, she appeared to be in a recovery room of sorts thanks to the light of the moon showing through the open windows. Beside her were the Head-mage and a... ghost wearing a nurse's hat? Oh, I'm still in this strange world, She whispered in her mind. Meryu looks down at her hands in her lap, disappointed at not being home with Syurelia.

Dire Crowley sighed in relief. "Thank goodness you have awakened! You collapsed after you sang your little... song in the Mirror Chamber, so I feared that you may have exhausted yourself."

"...I...collapsed?" she raised a hand to her head.

Rrha ki erra chs diasee yorr sos ciel

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