Phase 01: Book 01: Dia rosa rudje (pt 4)

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Previously: Meyru righted herself back up just as the beast loomed over her. Its pickaxe arm raised above its head.

She was trapped and all alone.


~Twisted Tonelico~


Suddenly, a huge cauldron falls on top of the monster before it strikes Meryu. Making it completely immobile, and giving the trio a chance to get her out of there.

"Melenas-san, are you ok?" Deuce panicked, checking for any injuries.

"Y-yes. I-I'm fine."

Ace helps her up to her feet, grabs her wrist and runs back the way they came again with the others in tow. "

She was shocked. She didn't think they would come for her considering finding the Magestone is more important than her life. At least that's what she thought... 'They came back for me...without the stone...'

Meryu felt a bit touched.

~Dwarf Mines: Mine Entrance~

The group made it as far as the entrance to the cave. Once getting bearings, Meryu confronts the trio in front of her. The heart and spade saw her face go through emotions of confusion and... disappointment? Why?

"Why did you come back for me?!" she yelled at them. "You could've gotten the stone and gone back to Crowley! Instead, you... WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"

Ace couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What! You wanted to die by that thing?!" He was met with silence as his answer. "Even if we didn't find the stone, you thought dying would be the better option in this situation!!"


"It was obvious you were trying to help us out back there, but I would rather not have a girl killed by a monster on my guilty conscious!"

"Mr. Ace..." Meryu was at a loss for words. What he said was true, but she didn't think he'd care if she died. But Time is of the essence and they still are a Magestone short! "Finding the Magestone is important! You guys deserve to be a part of this place more than me!"


"Huh?" She looked at Ace, puzzled.

"I've been thinking of calling it quits all night. You on the other hand, and Deucey over here are hard headed beyond belief on giving up." He said annoyed. "And yeah, I have to admit. I hate to get grilled by my folks for getting kicked out on the first day."

Blinking like a curious bird, Meryu stared at the red head before her. Next to her, Deuce started to speak. "Compared to us, you really were more focused on getting the stone than us fighting over who's more right..." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't wanna lose this opportunity to be in Night Raven, either!"

Grim added his two cents. "And I wanna prove to that bird brain that I am the greatest mage at this school, too!"

She shook her head at these three. They kinda remind me of him... "Ok."


A roar echoed through the mines once more. The beast is on the prowl again!


"Not until we're no longer a threat!"

"Nyahh!! What do we do?!?!"

The Reyvateil, while as panicked as the others, knew something needed to be done, and fast. "I have an idea." she said aloud. "But I need you boys to trust me on this!"

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