Phase 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje (pt. 6)

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Previously: "I was gonna let you guys go nicely after breaking the eggs and the little chicks they used to be. But for you to call Melenas-san 'Bitch!' I AIN'T LETTING THAT SHIT SLIDE!!!" Deuce smirked. "IF YOU AIN'T GONNA APOLOGIZE, I'LL MAKE YOU APOLGIZE!!"

A/N: I don't have a bias towards Deuce, what are you talking about 😅 🤣

~Twisted Tonelico~

Deuce charged at the bullies, not caring for any decorum he may have had. He despised how callus these boys were, and he would've let them pass if they said sorry for the broken eggs. But to disrespect someone-disrespect a girl- 'HOW DO THEY SLEEP AT NIGHT?!'

He managed to punch one square in the jaw, and upper cutted the guy's other friend with a painful hook. Meryu fretted over Deuce cause he was outnumbered two to one, and even he seemed to get a few bruises here and there. But somehow, against those odds, he was still standing!

When one of the bullies fell over, he looked at the girl, and this made Meryu panic as the bully got up fast and charged at her. "So much for your boyfriend protecting you!"

Ka-Boom!! "Ahhh!!" The second bully was blasted back to the first; it happened so quickly, Deuce nor the bullies saw it coming!


The Reyvateil in question looked scared but also angry. "You two jerks got a lot of nerve to cause us grief again. Leave us alone now, or else I'm happy to show you what happens when you hurt me or my friends!"

The former duo slowly got up again, and gave up fighting the two First Years. "Alright, we get it. We're outta here." They left in as much of a hurry as they could with their battered bodies. Once they knew the bullies were gone, Deuce slumped to the ground exhausted and close to tears.

"Dammit... why did I let them get to me like that?!" He wanted to cry before feeling the girl next to him hug him.

"It's ok if you have to," she told him. "I'm right here for you."

He clung to her and wept into her shoulder. He knew he shouldn't be crying right now, but the pent up feelings and past he had long buried came back, and Deuce couldn't help but feel like a failure. 'So much for me trying to be an Honor Student...'

Meryu didn't judge him at all. She just continued to hold him until he calmed down enough to let go of her. "Want me to heal you, Deuce?"

"Y-you don't have to, Melenas-san."


"Huh?" He turned to her with a quizzed look on his face.

"Please, call me Meryu."

He felt himself blushing. "Ok...Meryu-san. And... can heal me if you want."

She nods to him before reciting the same hymn she used earlier. The little lamb appeared again with her bell and patched up all of his injuries. Meryu's voice felt comforting as it healed the scrapes on Deuce's body.

Even after the last note disappeared into the wind, he continued staring at Meryu . He felt like he was in the presence of a guardian angel. He felt embarrassed for letting the old him out like that against those jerks. 'But still...'

"Meryu-san, I'm sorry about what happened just now. I didn't think that part of me would come back out?"

"Come back out?" she tilted her head in confusion.

After mulling about it for a moment, Deuce came clean about his past. He confessed that he used to be a delinquent, one that was almost as bad as the ones they fought. He talked about how he skipped school everyday, causing trouble for a lot of people; especially his mother. He mentioned how one night he heard his mother talk to his grandmother about how she felt like she wasn't a good mother because of all the trouble he was making. And how that one conversation between his family made him change his ways.

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