Entering Phase 01: Book 01: Dia Rose Rudje

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Phase 01: Book 01: Dia rosa rudje*

Rrha ki erra chs diasee sos ciel!


ARTONELICO => ADDR:0x02:04:1938:1113:1940 > enter hyzik sphilar Meryu >> exec PHANTASIA sos ciel!


Ag, Was yea erra chs tonelico sos yorr yanje!



Meryu nearly jumped out of her sleep again, looking around at her surroundings. She sees that she woke up in Twisted Wonderland instead of her home in Ar Tonelico. Disappointment shone in her eyes til she shook her head. Meryu looked to her left at the person who woke her up.

"Good morning, Ms. Melenas."

It was the bird-masked Head-mage from last night, and the ghostly trio who live in the abandoned dorm. She looked down at her lap, saddened by the truth. It wasn't a dream, then.

"Good morning, Mr. Crowley," the girl replied.

The head-mage walked up to the girl with a tray of food and some other parcel. "I hope you had a good night's sleep, my dear."

She slightly shrugged her shoulders. "It was good." The young woman watched as Crowley placed the parcel by an askew foot stool by her bed. He then turned to her with her morning meal. It appeared to be a light breakfast dish, if one could call it that. A bottle of milk served with lukewarm biscuits and eggs.

It was better than nothing, she supposes.

Meryu gave him a brief 'thank you' before eating her breakfast. A few moments of silence passed between them until she finished her tray, offering it to the masked man.

Crowley placed the tray on the nearest nightstand and then began to speak. "Now then, Ms. Melenas. I believe it is time to talk about your current situation." A nod from the young woman told him she's listening. "Given the current circumstances of your situation, I've decided what you can do here in Night Raven College until I've found you a way back home."

This caught Meryu by surprise. "You have?" She looked at the parcel near the bed.

"Of course, my dear! After all, I am a generous man, and I refuse to allow a young woman to wander the streets without a roof over head!"

A small sweat drop formed. Nervously, Meryu asked, "Oh. Well, what will I do?"

~Main Street~

The parcel she was given turned out to be a maid dress. The top was black like the rest of the school's apparel except for the skirt which was a warm brown. The sleeves were a faded blue, not too tight on her arms, but also not too loose. The scarf that would cover her hair she made into a scarf instead. She hoped feeling comfortable in the dress would distract her from where they're standing and drown out her nervousness.

They stood in the Main Street of the College campus next to seven imposing statues of what appeared to be rulers and fantasy-like entities. Meryu has no clue who they are, but they do feel like they're scrutinizing her despite them being made out of stone. The Head-mage had explained to her that she will be doing janitorial work for the time being. And that Main Street is where she will start at first.

"Should you have any concerns or questions, do not be afraid to find me or anyone else in the Staff." He finished.

A nod was his response back. "Very well, then! Take care Ms. Melenas! I shall see you later this evening." The head-mage turns and leaves for his office, leaving Meryu alone on the stone path.

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