Phase 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje (pt. 11)

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Previously: Cater knew there was more Trey wanted to say; heck, Diamond wanted to 'spill the deets' on where they took her, and who took off Riddle's collar. But it seems as though the thought of her made Trey more upset, and he can't blame him. So he decided to leave it alone for now.

"Okay~ I'll leave it for now," he said, feigning disappointment. "Btw, what treats you making this time?"

"These are..." Trey is glad that Cater changed the subject for his sake. It's a good distraction for the inevitable confrontation in the upcoming days.

~Twisted Tonelico~


"You're a bully of a Queen!"


"Meo! What are you doing!"


"You're a selfish, entitled, BIG HEADED TYRANT WHO BULLIES HER SUBJECTS!!"




"Oh no..."

"Oswald... run NOW!!!"


~Ramshackle Dorm: Meryu's Room~


"NYAH!!!" Grim jumped off the bed and onto the ground with a fright. "WHAT HAPPENED?! IS THAT RED TYRANT HERE?!?!?"

The Reyvateil ignored his freak out. Processing the bizarre dream she had just now, or was it a nightmare. Her rules, even if they exist for their sake, she was hurting her people... Meryu began to mumble. "Did that girl and rabbit manage to get away?"

"Oi! Meryu!" Grim called out to her, but she did not respond. "Meryu~ You hear me?"

She blinked out of her stupor looking at her feline companion. "Huh? Y-yeah. I'm ok."

He doubted her, but he didn't want to push her for answers. The sudden sound of footsteps alerted them to see more people bargaining into her room. It was Ace, Deuce and the Ghostly Trio.

"Is everything ok?! Are you hurt, Meryu-san?!" Deuce was ready to fight whoever whenever.

"We heard you scream just now. It gave us quite a fright." Benedict added.

Meryu shook her head, wanting to deescalate the situation. "I'm ok, everyone. It was just... a bad dream was all."

Curtis flew towards the girl, worried. "Are you sure, Meryu-chan? It doesn't hurt to go see the school nurse again." She assured him that she was fine, wanting to drop the subject.

Ace knew the girl was trying not to talk about it, so he left her be, willing to give her some space. "Come on, guys. If she doesn't wanna talk about it, she's fine." He quickly changes the subject. "Besides, today's the day, remember?"

Today is. "Your confrontation with Mr. Rosehearts, right?"


She tightened her fists into her worn out comforter. "Let me go with you. I know you want me to, but I want to be there." I'm scared of what will happen to you both.

Deuce was worried. They were lucky not to tell her the WHOLE truth of what happened after she passed out, but having her near their Housewarden wouldn't spell out well for anyone. "Grim and you can't fight him, remember?"

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