Entering-> Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 1)

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~Twisted Tonelico~


"Meryu, this is my son, Lyner. As of today, he is a Knight of Elemia, and will serve both you and Lady Shurelia."

This was the vow made by Leard Barsett, the Governor of Platina, and one of Shurelia's oldest Knights. Father of Lyner Barsett, he was a man with blond hair growing streaks of gray. He stood tall in his red and white robes, and sharp ebony armor. Contrary to his sharp eyes and scary appearance, his eyes and voice were that of a kind father easing his shy child's fears and worries.

His son, on the other hand, stood out differently from Leard. The newly blessed Knight was about the Reyvateil's age-only a year ½ younger than her-with messy, spiky blonde hair. Since he was not given any armour yet given his age, he was only fitted in a squire-like wardrobe, with white being the dominant color over the small bits of red on his belt and the inner lining of his cape. The full body attire of the squire outfit was umbre brown but with an additional choice of white military like boots on his feet.

Nervous at meeting someone her age, Meryu shyly peeked out from behind Shurelia' leg to meet Lyner properly. "H-Hi."

"She's your apprentice, Lady Shrelia? She's so...small" Lyner said bluntly.

That earned him a scolding and swat to his head by his father. "Lyner! Mind your manners! She is to be respected as Lady Shurelia's pupil."

With such tender love and care she'd show, the Origin Reyvateil spoke to the little girl. "It's ok. These are our most trusted Knights of Elemia. They won't hurt you, I promise."

"...Ok." She then nudged her forward to face the blonde properly.

~"Meryu, as Knights of Elemia, we swear on our very lives to protect you and Lady Shurelia. Always."~

~Ramshackle Dorm: Meryu's Room~

Meryu woke up, her eyelids damp from the tears running down her face. "I was crying in my sleep, again." She slowly got up from her bed, careful not to wake up Grim from his sleep, and walked towards one of her bedroom windows. So this is what feeling homesick is like... She began to wonder about her guardians back home. Leard, Lyner and of course Lady Shurelia. I do wonder, have they made a search party to find me? Do they know anything about a 'Twisted Wonderland?'

She shook her head, clearing herself of those thoughts. 'It doesn't matter...I don't know when exactly I'll be back home to be honest...' The Reyvateil's gaze peered towards the stars, seeing them slowly fade as dawn was making her way to the horizon. 'I should lay back down some more before Al teases me for not sleeping well.' She goes to lie back down in her bed; unaware of small glowing green lights hovering near her window and two fallen stars that flew across the sky.


"Why are we traversing through this area, Oswald?"

Fou ki ra presia reen.

"Because, unlike the Queen of Hearts, this guy should be able to help us."

Manaf biron arsye yor.

"If you say so... Should I placate him with my song?"

Was wol ra na degle chs omnis dea dius yor, inferiare bister heath dor.

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