Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 5)

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Previously: Marmalade presented their Identification card to the man. A bright red light from the man's helmet scanned across the card before vanishing immediately. "Authorization granted. Hello again, Doctor." He disappeared the way he appeared, the wall moving out of the way to reveal a hidden passageway.

They were left in awe by what they just witnessed. "Wow!"

Marmalade made their way to the doorway before looking back at the agape students. "Well, ya coming or what?"

"Yes, Sensei/ Coming!" They ran behind them into the secret room. The door closed up once they all were inside.

~Twisted Tonelico~


Meryu and her friends were awestruck at the 'classroom' Marmalade showed them. The room itself felt like a mechanics shop, if it weren't for the bigger, more grounded Diving Machine in the main hub of the room. The backroom was connected at the start of the Dive Shop where many other rooms ranging from advanced alchemy lessons, modifying any broken tech equipment, an AV room that helped act as a security for the whole school, and a kitchen and six personalized rooms. Three were bedrooms/ recovery rooms, and the other three were bathrooms.

Deuce was still trying to process everything. "This is your classroom, Sensei?!"

"Exactamundo! Pretty neat, huh?"

"Yeah! I mean, we were already impressed by the Diving thingy from yesterday. But THIS!! This is crazy!"

Their commotion summoned Gamma to the main room. He was wearing an apron and holding a broom in his hands. "Greetings and salutations. The refreshments will be out momentarily."

"Hello, Mr. Gamma!" Meryu greeted him back.

"Snacks!! OOOoooooooooo!! Sign me up for those!"

"Patience, Grim." The doctor made their way to the center of the room, ready to go about their explanations again. "Since you two will be training with Meryu as her Guardians, this place will be your base of operations regarding said training. This place doubles as both a classroom learning experience and battle simulations."

"Does it have a name?"

"Yep. I call it the Reyvateil Training Grounds."

"Reyvateil Training Grounds..."

"Yup. This place is what you all will be working on alongside your regular school responsibilities. For the sake of ensuring I'm in Crowley's 'Good Grace'," Marmalade said sarcastically, using their hands to gesture quotation marks the last part of their statement. "and not to get anyone else sticking their noses in, it's marked as an extracurricular activity. As such, you both will be working on special projects while diving into Meryu, got it?"

This soured the mood for Grim. "We gotta do School work and Projects here, too? Boring~"

"For you, maybe. You can't even fit in the diving machine anyway!" Ace mocked him.

"Sounds kinda fun. Hope it's not too hard."

Gamma walked in on time with snacks and glasses of water. "Worry not, Deuce Spade. These tasks will be simple for you both to handle. Other than diving into one's Cosmosphere, one must also create emergency tools and supplies needed to help not just Meryu but you both as well."

"Ooo! Like what?"

"Oh, ya know. Missiles, swords, poisons, medicines. Anything under the sun to defend yourselves."

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