Phase 01-Book 01: Dia Rosa rudje (pt. 2)

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Previously: Adding insult to injury, Grim laughs at Ace's retreat. "Look at you. Cowering away like a baby all because a girl one upped ya! Ha ha!!"

Ace growled, his annoyance and anger bubbling over. "SHUT UP!" He flicked his pen causing a wind spell to fly to Grim. It almost hit its mark if Grim hadn't avoided it at the last second. "Stupid cat!"

Grim snarled at the red head. "I'm not a cat!" And blasted fire back in retaliation.

And so began their fight.

~Twisted Tonelico~

Ace and Grim both cast their spells at one another, dodging each attack as well. Despite the protests of both Deuce and Meryu, these two weren't stopping anytime soon. Worse off, it was gaining more attention from other students as well wanting to see them fight.

If this keeps up, they're gonna break or destroy something! Meryu panicked. She frantically tried to figure out how to stop Ace and Grim's fight. Looking at the young man that accompanied the red head troublemaker, Meryu ran towards him (and dodged some fire balls and wind balls) hoping to get his attention. "Excuse me!" She called out.

Deuce, sensing her presence, turned to the panicked girl. "Y-yes?"

"You know magic, right?" she asked.

"I do!"

"Do you know a spell that can stop them?"

Deuce quickly thought about one, and quickly pulled out his pen. "Stand back, ok Ms?"

Meryu did as he asked and went back behind him.

"I CALL UPON THEE, CAULDRON!!!" A huge Cauldron fell from the sky, falling towards the fighting duo.

Ace and Grim were still so busy fighting, that they failed to notice too late the Cauldron's descent. As they casted their spells once more, the giant pot hit the ground causing the duo's spells to ricochet away from one another...

 Causing both wind and fire magic leaving burn marks on the statue of the Queen of Hearts.

Deuce and Meryu gasped at the sight. 'THAT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!/ OH NO!!' They thought in unison.

The other duo's jaws dropped, freaking out that one of the statues was ruined.

"Aw shit! Look what you did, you dumb cat!" Ace shouted.



"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!" A new voice cut through the crowd and the quartet froze in fear of who that was.

The Head-mage walked through the crowd of students slowly dissipating and fleeing to class at the sight of his presence. He paused in his walk, taking the horrifying sight before him! "What have you done..." his voice was a whisper, before shouting at the four people in front of him. "WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?!"

~In the evening: Dwarf Land Forest~

"I can't believe this... I tried so hard."

"There, there." Meryu tried comforting Deuce as they made their way to the abandoned mines. Her eyes were downcast as she reflected back on the incident with the Dire.



"WHAT?!/ EH?!"

"Sir, wait! Let us explain-"

"SILENCE!!" The four suspects in question ceased. "You four started a fight on school property one the first day, and you've damaged one of the statue's of the Great Seven in the process." Crowley reprimanded.

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