Entering Phase 04-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 1)

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~Twisted Tonelico~

"Alrighty boys! Who's ready to homebrew a Hymn Crystal?!"

"I am! I am!"

"Calm down Grim. Sheesh."

Bodies still sore from their humiliating loss the other day, Ace, Deuce, and Grim were hulled over to the RTG by Marmalade the next day for a new assignment. Tired as he may be, it was kinda funny to Ace seeing Grim raring to go for a new project they're working on despite the furball not caring for Alchemy.

"Sensei, what is a Hymn Crystal?" Deuce was curious what this crystal had to do for their Grathmelding training.

"Hymn Crystals are fancy, scientifically made crystals imbued with the powers of Song Magic for the usage of Reyvateils. These babies will allow them to have access to songs they themselves can't create."

"Coool!/ Wow..!"

"But remember, Meryu is the only one available to use them right now." Marmalade emphasized. "So I better not see you try to make it for yourself to use, especially you, Grim."

"Ack! Why are you looking at me? Why not Ace or Deuce? They're definitely the kind of guys that would do that!"

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm WAY better at Grathmelding than both of you!" Deuce countered.

"Please, for like two whole days. At least I'm the one who actually paid attention in Crewel-sensei's class enough to know both things are the same."

"You little-"


"Argument terminated." Gamma announced, holding his fan in heroic fanfare.

"Thank you. As I was saying," the Doctor emphasized, hoping to get back on topic. "Making this Hymn Crystal will be vital as you three will have the golden opportunity to download it into her upon completion. That said, it'll be a doozy since I know you have to gather things for Crewel's potion assignment, and good chunks of the things we need are in that recipe, too."

"Crap, I forgot about that," Ace whined. "Are there other things we can use to replace the stuff, Teach? In case we run out?"

"If you can poof up copies of the same roots, pollen and shards of broken magestones, no." They thought about what they said for a moment before bringing up an alternative. "Another idea would be to synthesize a Magestone, a really BIG one, with the ingredients we have and purify it in the RTG."

"In other words, we're stuck."

"The word stuck was not in Marmalade's repertoire."

"Figure of speech, Gamma-sensei."

"By the way, what's the deal with Floofy Boy's homework all about?"

"Floofy boy?" Deuce and Grim wondered what Marmalade meant by that name.

"Divus "Mr. Fashionista who's own clothes are a fire hazard in his own Lab" Crewel."

"O-oh!" Spade finally understood while Ace tried to not laugh, and failing miserably. "That um, Professor."

"Crewel -sensei wants us to make a fancy potion that'll let us speak in an old language." Grim told them. "Saying something like it was a fancy language only a few people back in the day used before they died."

"Oh really?" 'That's rather new to me. Didn't think birdbrain would have something like that for the school's curriculum...' They saved that piece of information for later. "Anyway, enough dilly dallying, kids. Let's start scrounging up some of these materials!"

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