Phase 04-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 4)

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Previously: "Shishishi. That was too easy." A sinister Ruggie said away from the Mess Hall, leaning on the wall. In his hands, he held Meryu's Magestone Broach. Tossing it up a few times as if it were a ball. "Selling this baby would be more fun. Then again, that would muck up some things."

He looked at the powdery pink gem shimmering in the afternoon light. "Better get moving to the next step for Plan B."

~Twisted Tonelico~

~Night Raven: Mess Hall~

"Wait. How's it gone? You sure you didn't leave it with Doc?"

"I assure you I didn't, Mr. Ace!" Meryu exclaimed. "I wore it all day, and I made sure it was secure!"

Meryu couldn't believe she lost her Magestone! Ever since she was given it, she made sure to keep it close and on her person at all times. While not having it on her person made her stand out like a sore thumb compared to her peers, Meryu knew its presence acted as a minder for when she overdid her Telomere limits way better than what she had to mentally keep in check back in Platina.

Plus, it felt like she had failed the Headmage again by losing her Broach.

Deuce tried to comfort her. "It's ok, Meryu-san,"We'll try to look for it after school."

"Can't be that hard. She's the only one with a pink Magestone."

She could sigh at her friends' responses. "I sure hope so..." Where did it go?

~Night Raven: Alchemy Class~

Meryu was still saddened by her loss after lunch. To keep herself distracted, she busied herself in Crewel's Class working on the potion assignment he gave everyone last time. Lucky for her and the boys they had most of the ingredients already gathered with Gamma and Marmalade's help. Her attitude changed worried Grim, who was watching and stirring the cauldron as Meryu added each item carefully into the mixture. "Ne, Minion? You good?"

The sudden question popped the imaginary bubble her mind was in. "Huh? What did you say, Grim?"

"You ok? You've been quiet ever since lunch." He paused his stirring to look at her. "I know you held onto that thing ever since Crowley gave it ya, but you being glumpy is kinda scary."

That made her giggle. "Hehe, who knew my silence is your biggest fear."

"N-no! That's not what I said!"

The smell of something slowly burning began to form. "Grim, the potion." He quickly went back to mixing. "I'm fine, though. I promise." She quickly assured him.

He didn't buy what the Reyvateil said, but he dropped the subject focus on their assignment for once. "How do you think Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber are doing on their end?"

Speaking of Adeuce, Meryu glances over to see them in the zone with their assignment. Who would've thought all that Grathmelding would make them enjoy Mr. Crewel's Class?

"Ah!" Someone shouted, catching the attention of everyone in class. "My hand-!"

Crewel immediately rushed to"Hold still, pup!" He inspected the boy's hand to see an ugly cut through his glove. "Not good," he muttered. "I'm low on healing tonic. Could someone gather Primavera leaves at the Botanical Garden?"

"I can, sir!" Meryu volunteered.

"Then take someone with you just in case."

She understood, and, with Ace offering to help, Meryu left to get the necessary item. On their way to the Garden, she began whispering to him about something. "You saw that, right?"

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