Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 10)-END

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Previously: He felt torn. On one hand, he would've easily disregarded this whole mess and let Meryu deal with the consequences. But on the other hand, he refuses to let her suffer alone. Otherwise, he'll never be able to truly atone for hurting her. He swore to himself that he would repent, and this may as well be the time to do so...

"Have you forgotten, Meryu-san? Ace and Deuce were tasked to be your Guardians. If any harm were to come to you, it reflects poorly on me. That said, I refuse to allow you to face punishment alone."

Ace looked to his Housewarden for his next command."Your call, Riddle-senpai."

The latter turned to Leona, face full of anger and resolve."We accept your challenge, Leona Kingscholar."

~Twisted Tonelico~

The game between Heartslabyul and Savannahclaw was hosted on the latter's huge Magishift training ground. It wasn't far from the Main Building- which was made out the side of a huge mountain formation- but was just as big.

One end was dominated by Leona and his students from all walks of life. So the dorms aren't just full of one specific type of race. That's interesting. Meryu cleared her head quickly. FOCUS!! These jerks won't let us leave until we beat them! As both teams were getting prepared, Meryu pulled Riddle and Cater to the side. "Mr. Riddle, Mr. Diamond."

"What's up, Ryu-ryu?"

She looked back to the Dorm of the King of Beasts. Gripping her broom tightly, she continued. "I know they aren't going to hold anything back, but I'll play defense to keep you guys in shape. Don't be afraid to go all out, ok?"

"Aww, thanks Ryuie~~"

Riddle on the other hand wasn't as enthused. "Are you sure, Meryu-san? It could be dangerous considering you're their primary target."


"Ne, Minion!" Grim ran up to them and climbed up to her shoulder. "You should test out that new trick you learned thanks to Deuce!"

"Not so loud, Grim!" She yelled at him.

"New trick, eh?" They heard Leona say from his end of the field. "I can only imagine whatever fancy singing you have is considered a trick, Nightingale. Won't save you from us."

She steadied herself on the broom she borrowed from Ace to cover the air players with Cater and Riddle while he, Deuce, Grim covered the ground. "I'll show him."

"Magic used against other students is allowed. Hope you remembered that, Rosehearts."

"I'm aware. I will not go easy on you nor your men, Kingscholar."

"Does everyone have a bone to pick with one another?" Grim asked.

"Seems to be the case," Meryu answered. "Make sure to cover any weaknesses they have, kay Grim?"

"Of course! I'm a powerful mage and Guardian after all!"

"Only in your mind, Grim."

"Zip it, Ace!!" He let out a puff of fire.

"Focus, guys!" Meryu then turned her sight on as many of the Savannahclaw brutes as she could before invoking her spell.

~Was i ra exec vit en aulla/ 1x10 > spiritum pauwel >> SAVANNAHCLAW tes mea~

The sound of a scan and machine alerts glowed on all her targets. Just noting some of their strengths and weaknesses made her nervous. But she shook it off for her friends' sake.

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