Phase 02-Book 01: Dia Rosa Rudje (pt. 4)

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Previously: In an instant, Ace felt cold dread seep through his bones. He slowly turned towards the source of the voice behind him. And saw his Houswarden giving him a disapproving look.


~Twisted Tonelico~

"Hey, Rids! Fancy seeing you hanging out with us!" Cater said, obviously trying to de-escalate the situation.

"No need to be coy with me, Cater." said boy stopped Diamond from continuing. "I heard him call me 'ridiculous' and 'unreasonable'. It's obvious to me you have not learned your lesson at all." He crossed his arms in disapproval. "And to think I thought you had a change of heart."

"No no no! I do!" "It wasn't about you, I swear!" Ace began to try and make excuses.

Deuce, Grim, and Meryu all looked at him in shame. 'Should've kept your mouth shut, Ace. Should've kept it shut.'

Riddle heard enough of his rambling. "Silence! You have no qualm claiming I'm in the wrong when youre the one who chose to break the Queen of Hearts' rules. And it's clear to me that you still need to learn your lesson. The collar will stay on until you show me genuine effort."

"And fear not, your first year doesn't involve the use of magic in any of the curriculum. So you won't lose too much in class."

"...Excuse me. Mr. Riddle?"

He turns his sight towards the newer pair of students. "And you are the ones that caused a ruckus at the Opening Ceremony. I'm surprised the Head Mage did not expel you when he should have."

That stung the Reyvateil, but she still continued her piece. "I know that what Ace did wasn't right? But, maybe if you could reconsider-"

"No buts," he cut her off. "Rules exist to keep everyone in check. To prevent chaos and dysfunction. Whatever you have to say does not excuse the actions of rule breakers." he was firm in his stance. "Failure to follow the rules leads one to lose their head."

She turned her head in guilt and embarrassment. He really doesn't want to give Mr. Ace a second chance? One broken rule should not ruin one's life forever.

Riddle gave her one last look before changing the subject. "Any who, finish your lunch quickly. Queen of Hearts Number 271: One should eat lunch and leave their seat within fifteen minutes. If you break the rules..." he smirked at Ace. "I'm sure you understand, right? "

Ace reluctantly answered. "Yes, Housewarden..."

"What was that?"

"YES, HOUSEWARDEN!!" Deuce joined Ace in unison. Riddle nodded in approval.

Soon, the Ruby haired warden left, after being assured by Trey that he will keep an eye on the two first years. As he left he muttered about another rule regarding lemon tea and two sugar cubes and an empty pot. "...Letting the sugar pot run out of sugar cubes is a huge offense."

Drip, drip...

"Hmm?" Meryu heard some dripping sounds and looked around the mess hall. What was that?

Cater let out a huge sigh of relief. "That was close!" He leaned into the table, feigning exhaustion.

"He seems like the type of guy who's super evil," Grim said. Deuce scolded the cat for insulting his leader.

Trey looked at Meryu, who seemed worried. He placed a hand on her shoulder, which caught her attention. "Please don't let what Riddle get to you. He is a nice guy."

She gave a half hearted smile, still bothered by what Riddle said, but also worried about what that strange dripping noise was. Where did it come from? she glanced back the way Riddle left, uncertainty in heart. It couldn't be from him, could it?

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