Interlude 03-Book 01: Dia Rose Rudje

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Ar foul revm mean, warma nuih, en yeal lyafre warma, aka A Fated Encounter

A chance encounter in a dream at last. Or is it? He is unsure about this place as he has never seen the school with a Tower wrapped in Instruments standing tall like a mighty mountain. Or was it more like a Towering Tree?

A/N: This Interlude is special as you'll find out later down the line. The BGM for this is Memory of Lightwaves from FF X-2(aka to some as Morning Glow), but when Meryu sings her lullaby, it switches to her singing to the BGM tune of

~Twisted Tonelico~


A young man of ebony and vert sat alone with his thoughts, gazing out the evening window of his room, and upon the glowing moon. He was humming away a melody he thought would long since run its course from his memories. Yet, it elusive but addictive jingle still plagues his thoughts.

'Was it because of that girl? The one from a few moons before this one? ' he pondered as the words dripped from his lips in a cadence.

~Mea eux na idesy sor, den~

~Was yea ra vit yora riura won manafaln dor~

"Your eyes are not what they used to be, and yet you wish to live in this 'new world' with us, Child of Man?" He laughed at such lyrics. "Whatever could that mean?"

*Knock, knock*

"Waka-sama! Dinner is ready at the Dining Hall!"

'So soon?' He was shocked at the time. He muttered to himself: "Time must've escaped my grasp again."

He informs the person behind the door he'll arrive there shortly and orders him dismissed. Rising from his seat, he walks towards his balcony for him to perch on. Once he steps out into the cool evening air and the dimly lit surroundings of his dorm, he recalls the last notes of the girl's song. And how saddened she appeared to be singing those last notes.

Unconsciously again, he sang those words, wondering what the meaning behind them was again.

"May we meet each other again, my Mysterious Siren."


'What is this place?' the young man of mystery thought to himself. He had gone to bed for the evening not that long ago. Thanks to training he had as a child, he usually is a light sleeper these days. Enough so that he tends to take long walks at night on campus to places long abandoned of life and left decay. Places he took comfort in and embraced the beauty of the history, the broken walls and faded colors that told the lives of the beings that once housed them.

So, how was it that he fell into his dreams long enough to see Night Raven looking...out of place.

The castle structure of the college was still relatively the same, the gargoyles that encompass the school to protect from the elements are still the same and beautiful as ever.

The Courtyard, the hallways, the Hall of Mirrors itself, the Mirror Chamber; and other than the eternal night, EVERYTHING looked normal...

But how did this school get a juxtaposed tower implemented into the campus?!

The young man didn't know what to make of the oddly placed structure. It looked like a failed experiment of technology meddling with nature, but it also appeared to have its own form of harmony with the curled tuba and trumpet pipes curled around the middle of the Tower. As he tried to view the high top of the tower further hidden in the clouds, he noticed faint glows of violet peeking out every now and again.

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