Professor Tom Riddle PART 1 ⚡

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The war has ended and you decided to return to Hogwarts to finish your seventh year of studying. That's why you are already 20 years old. You lost many of your friends and professors and you are about to meet the new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts class, who is only four years older...

Don't read if you're too young or uncomfortable, please. Also, I do NOT support this kind of relationship. This is just a fiction.


-none (more like tension instead)




Today was my first day at Hogwarts after the end of the war. I was supposed to graduate at age 17 like usual, but after everything that had happened, I decided to finish the seventh year of school at the age of 20.

I didn't really care, to be honest, because I wasn't the only one who decided to return.

I loved everything about Hogwarts and I was sure I would regret not finishing my studying. The others... I was still so sad for all the students and professors that lost their lifes during the cruel battles and never ending fights.

The day I received my letter with an invitation to return back to school was one of the happiest in my life.

I still remember sitting at the kitchen table and eating my breakfast when a small grey owl knocked on the window of my apartment. Nothing would be the same, I was aware of that. I lost many of my friend, many of my favourite professors and all the happiness I had been feeling on daily bases while walking through the cold corridors...

It was gone as well as my naivity and innocence. I felt some bits of it, though, and I was thankful.

I inhaled the fresh air once I opened the window in my dorm. I swallowed hard when the memories flooded my head and my eyes filled with tears of sadness. I didn't hesitate to take off my clothes and put on my school uniform. It still fitted me well.

It was already 9 am and breakfast was over, but I wasn't even hungry anyways. The candy I ate at the Hogwarts Express filled my stomach and calmed my nerves a little.

I grabbed my bag, heading to my first class of the last year I had left here. Defense Against the Dark Arts.

I was told we would have a new professor, but I was uninterested and didn't really care much about him or her. The previous one was so kind and helpful, and I truly doubted anyone could top him.


The first day of my teaching started as gloomy and rainy, but to be honest, it was much better than being in a classroom full of sweaty students...

Defense Against the Dark Arts.

This was a subject I have always intended to teach at Hogwarts and weeks ago, when I finally received an owl with a letter from Headmaster Dippet offering me this position, I didn't want to seem too eager with my answer. I pretended to hesitate for a few days before sending him a reply that I, of course, accept.

Nothing much happened during the time I was living in London, other than gathering my Knights and doing my business.

Nobody knew the true reason why I "had to" visit the Ravenclaw tower. I had nobody to trust, not even after using Legilimency. There wasn't a day I wouldn't be too paranoid and scared of failure, but I was aware that coming back to Hogwarts and finish what I started in my sixth year as a Prefect would calm me. I didn't have much power nor freedom back then, so now I will have to do anything to finally succeed.

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