Professor Tom Riddle PART 3 ❤️‍🔥

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I do NOT support this kind of relationship. This is just a fiction.


🌶️🌶️ / 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️




I couldn't sleep well that night.

The thoughts of professor Riddle wouldn't go away no matter how hard I tried. Maybe I was just fooling myself that I wasn't attracted to him. That I didn't like him that much. I didn't know how to get out of it.

A man like him... It was very hard to turn him down. If he wasn't my professor, I would seriously consider a relationship with him, but it wasn't possible. Not when so many people could catch us and jeopardize everything we had both planned.

I rolled on the other side of the bed, resisting the strong urge to get up and run to his cabinet. I longed to tell him about the situation, how hard it was for me to look at him and tell him I have reject his offer.

He was only four years older than me, but that wasn't an obstacle. Not for me.

I had to be in my third year when he was the Head boy, but I couldn't remember seeing him in the Great hall or in any other school area. Maybe it was because I was so young and I wasn't interested in boys.

My head ached after hours of rolling around on the hard bed and when the dawn finally broke, I gave up trying to fall asleep. Today was Friday but that didn't mean I was in for a day off. It was more the opposite.

At 7 am I was supposed be lively and ready in the cold dungeons for a two hour long class together with the Slytherins. My house- Ravenclaw- was getting along pretty well with Slytherin. There wasn't almost any rivalry between us and no harm was done to each other. Fortunately.

I stretched my stiff neck and shoulders, frowning at the uncomfortable pillows and the overly hard bed. I was genuinely wondering if other students were able to sleep well at all. Maybe I was the only one who got such a bad bed to sleep in.

After rubbing my tired eyes, I headed to the bathroom. Cold water could help me.


When I came out of the shower wrapped in a fuzzy towel and found my roommates still deep in sleep. I envied them a little.

My best friend, who wanted me to go with her to meet professor Riddle the other day, still didn't ask me any question. As soon as she saw my unexpectedly crushed expression the day I had rejected the professor's offer, she asked the elves to bring us a huge cup of hot chocolate and a few slices of a delicious strawberry cake. She knew that if I wanted to, I would tell her everything. I appreciated when people didn't force me.

I let my hair loose and I wasn't in a mood to overdo my make-up today. I only put on some mascara and a generous amount of a lip balm. It was only October, but my lips were chapped like the temperatures were below zero outside.

I rather regretted choosing Potions and not the Ancient runes which were only once a week like both of my friends. On the other hand, I was planning to become an Auror soon so I had to pick Potions even if I didn't like the subject that much. I liked studying Potions, don't get me wrong. It was the setting in which it took place, and also professor Slughorn, whose always overly good humour and breath reeking of alcohol often irritated me.

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