Reading a spicy story ⚡

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When I was finished with my breakfast and all of my friends decided to go outside of the castle, I opened the new app I'd downloaded. It was a muggle app, but it didn't really matter to me.

People were able to upload their stories in the app and I loved reading! I was almost obsessed with it, so when my friends showed me Wattpad, I didn't hesitate and downloaded it too.

What was even more surprising, was the fact that someone from our school made an anonymous account and the person posted stories about others. It was mostly stories about students who should be together.

Last week, the account uploaded a story about my friend getting together with one of the popular Slytherin boys- Theodore Nott. Let's just say that she was blushing the whole week, making sure she didn't speak with the boy.

Some stories were cringe and funny, some were spicy, romantic or very cute. I was lucky that I wasn't that known to have my story written. Who would they even ship me with?

I looked around myself to make sure no one could see me reading the new chapter which was posted only a few minutes ago, and opened the app with high expectations.

The name of the new story was actually cute, I thought, while reading the first paragraph. It was supposed to be about a grumpy Slytherin boy and a girl from Ravenclaw whose nickname was Sunshine.

I smiled a little and continued reading while ignoring the whispers echoing through the whole Great hall.

I was mistaken.

I thought the story was supposed to be cute judging by the nickname of the girl, but boy I was wrong! The explicit details, the words used in the story...

After some time, the noise in the hall started getting louder and louder, so I looked around myself and found out everyone was staring at me while giggling like crazy.

Before I could ask anyone why they're behaving like this, the door to the Great hall opened wide and my enemy and Head boy, Tom Riddle, walked in.

His hands were loose at his sides, his expression calm and unbothered. He was quite far away from my table so I didn't really understand what he was saying, but he looked charming while pointing at several students who immediately rose from their places and walked to him.

They were the loudest in whole sehool, I noticed. Always laughing, running through the cold corridors and missing classes. Maybe he will give them detention, I thought, returning to the story I had been reading before.

The girl in the story, Sunshine, was supposed to be madly in love with the grumpy boy. They were the complete opposites. She was day, he was night.

Suddenly, the Great hall went quiet again, but I didn't bother looking up from my phone screen since the story progressed fast.

The boy and the girl realized their feelings were mutual, and they decided to move their relationship forward by spending the night at the Forbidden forest where nobody could hear Sunshine's voice filled with pleasure.

I knew I had to blush by the end of the story, but when I reached the final page and saw who the story was actually about, I turned off the phone.

Without hesitation, I grabbed my bag and when I wanted to get up from my seat, I was blocked by a tall male figure standing right behind me.

The whole time I was reading the smut filled chapter, he was looking over my shoulder...

Tom Riddle didn't waste a second to grab me by my arm way more gently then I thought he would judging by the expression on his always calm face.

I let him walk me out of the Great hall while everyone was staring at us and whispering words I couldn't understand. All it took to shut them up was Tom's stare which could kill with ease.

The further we walked from everyone's sight, the firmer Riddle's fingers wrapped around my arm. I didn't say anything the whole time until we reached the empty corridor in the lowest part of the Hogwarts castle.

Tom let go of my hand and pressed me against the cold wall while not leaving his eyes off my face. His breathing was increasing as we stood there alone and I still didn't dare to speak.

"Where is your phone?"

His smooth and seductive voice filled my ears, but before I could do something, he started searching my bag until he found the phone and turned it on.

"Was it you writing the stupid story? Tell me, Y/n. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Being anonymous can be useful but this is just embarassing," Tom hissed, holding me against the wall with one hand and searching for some proof in my phone at the same time.

"It's not me, Tom," I finally said and tried to move, but he didn't allow it. Instead, he put the phone back in my bag and looked down at me.

"You didn't know there was someone writing these stories? I thought you would judging by your excitement when it comes to books..."

He raised his eyebrows and smirked. "You won't catch me using this stupid useless stuff, Y/n. Ever. The library is big enough for me to find very interesting and educational books to choose from. But tell me, did you enjoy reading about me and you? Ms. Sunshine and Mr. Grumpy... Really?"

He pressed me even more against the wall, his voice got so low I could barely hear him. "Have you been fantasizing about me the way the anonymous writer described it?"

"I- I... My head, Tom. It hurts."

He immediately let go of me and I could clearly see how guilty he was and that surprised me a lot. I thought he would ignore me. Especially when we were...

"We aren't really enemies, Y/n," he said and I took a step back.

I didn't even notice his successful attempt of performing Legilimency until he let go of me.

"We... aren't?"

Tom shook his head and looked around the corridor before slamming his lips against mine and moving his hand behind my neck.

"I thought you were scared of me, that's why I ignored you," he said after breaking the kiss. "Everyone around assumed we hated each other because of that. But when I was in your head for a few seconds and found out you would do anything to kiss me... Well, I have wanted to do that for so long."

I swallowed when his nose brushed against mine, his fingers wrapping around my wrists and pinning them along my sides.

"You did? How?"

"Like the story said, Y/n. You're a sunshine, I'm the grumpy one, and I'm attracted to you in many ways. Your wisdom, kindness, loyalty, beauty... I cannot promise saying romantic words like the version of me in the story, though."

"I can't believe it..."

Tom kissed me again, this time with more hunger than before, making my knees buckle.

"You will get a lot of time to get used to it, darling. I want to recreate the scenes from the story after we get to know each other more."

I nodded, smiling against his lips. "Do we keep our... relationship a secret?"

"Yes, Y/n. We do. I'm very glad we agree on this. Meet me after I'm done with patrolling tonight."

Right after he said it, he kissed the top of my hand like a gentleman and walked from the corridor without looking back.



Thank you for reading, Riddlings. Have a wonderful day and if you have any suggestion what I should write next, let me know in the comments, please <3

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