Professor Tom Riddle PART 4 ❤️‍🔥

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Don't read if you're too young or uncomfortable, please. Also, I do NOT support this kind of relationship. This is just a fiction.


🌶️ 🌶️🌶️ / 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️




A couple of days have passed since I ended up with my back pressed on the display case in the Trophy room. All I could think about was the professor's lips and his hot breath caressing my skin.

I've never experienced anything like it. My last boyfriend.. Yes, he was nice, he was gentle and considerate to me, but professor Riddle... I couldn't describe exactly what I felt for that man.

Every hour of Defense Against the Dark Arts was a blessing to me, but it was also an ordeal. It was no easy thing to endure his casual glances, his fleeting touches as he handed me the textbooks. Nobody knew about us, of course. If yes, I could personally write a letter kicking myself out of the school. And he as well.

We didn't meet as often as I would have liked, but that had to be taken into account, didn't it? The relationship between the professor and his student...

I would have never believed it would happen and I also resisted it at first and for good reasons. But after the day I experienced first hand what it could be like... In short, it was impossible to resist. And it was difficult for him, too, I could easily tell that from distance.

He was very careful about who I talked to, where I went, what clothes I wore... I liked the scrutiny, his sharp eyes never misssing a thing. He didn't even have to speak to tell me to sit more far away from my classmates or stop talking to certain boys.

If I didn't obey quickly enough for his liking, his kisses and the way his strong hands traveled over my body as he dragged me into random empty corridors or classrooms...

Yes, he was frustrated. In a nutshell.

I dressed a little more challenging this morning just to see what it would do to him. I wanted more. So did he. But the moment was not yet right, though I could see, and often feel, proof that he was down for that as much as I was. I envied his self-control, it was admirable how he managed to control himself and appear unruffled even when he was obviously burning inside.

Instead of a longer knee-length skirt, I decided for a rather shorter and tighter one. I knew he wasn't attracted only to my looks, he told me so himself. Still, I wanted to see what it would do to him to see me like that.

I wanted something more to happen tonight, so I left a few buttons of my shirt undone and made a bun on top of my head. I almost didn't recognize myself after looking in the mirror.

My heart was pounding with excitement and also stress when I appeared at the corridor on the second floor. No one found it odd that I roamed the halls at five o'clock in the evening, when the lessons were long over. In truth, most rules haven't been followed since the war ended, and even professors stopped been as uptight as they once were.

No one saw me heading straight to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom without a single textbook or notebook in my hands. Today it was Sunday, the day the professor reserved for tutoring his subject.

I knocked on the door, patiently waiting for him to unlock it for me. It was only the beginning of the year, certainly no student would be here today...

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