Make me shut up ❤️‍🔥

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🔥!! TENSION & NSFW !!🔥


🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ / 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️




I wasn't a Slytherin and that was one of the things Tom hated the most about me. At least that's what I've always thought.

We used to compete against each other ever since I could remember and I don't think he minded that until I almost beat him when creating the Living Death potion today. I don't even know how it was possible to reach almost the same amount of points as him, but I did and he was so pissed I was scared of him hurting me after the lesson ended.

Trying to clean up my working table from the needed materials, I glanced over the classroom to notice Riddle was still there too.

I rolled my eyes when he finished speaking with professor Slughorn and just like he knew I was watching him, he looked at me with smirk on his ridiculously handsome face.

Fuck. I hate him.

When professor Slughorn left his classroom, a drink in his left hand, a book in the other one, Riddle's dark eyes gleamed. Then he started walking my direction.

I scoffed, washed all the bowls I used and when I wanted to put away the unused ingredients, he started speaking in a bored, monotone voice. I realized I'd never actually heard him laugh or raise his voice no matter how angry he was.

"Good job, Y/l/n."

I raised my head to look him in the eyes and realized he stood closer than I thought.


"That's it? Thanks?" He asked, his hands crossed on his chest, his Headboy badge shining in the dark classroom.

"What am I supposed to say? Or do? Get on my knees, kiss your feet and cry because you finally acknowledged how smart I am?" I chuckled when he frowned and scrunched his nose. That's what he always did when he got angry.

"I know you didn't just laugh at me..."

"You're kinda cute when you're mad, Riddle," I admitted to him and took my stuff to leave the classroom. "Like a little kitten. You know? Hissing and stuff..."

He grabbed my arm to make me stop from walking away. His grip was tight, but not painful.

"Don't you dare talking to me like that. Longbottom or Diggory might appreciate that, but not me. I hate it. I hate you."

I bit my lip, forcing myself not to start laughing.

"Only because of today? Don't worry," I said, gently patting his shoulder. "I was only lucky, everybody knows you're the best."

"I smell sarcasm, Y/n. Shut up before I make you."

"Oh? Threatening another classmate? What would professor Slughorn say if he found out the ugly truth about his favourite pet, hm?" I teased him, his grip on my arm growing stronger like the tension in the classroom.

I would lie if I said I didn't find the boy in front of me attractive. In fact, I've never met someone who would look that handsome and who would be that intelligent at the same time. It was always one, or another.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Y/n," said Riddle, his nostrils flaring a little and his breathing getting faster.

"Sure you don't," I said playfully and before I could add another clever note, he slammed his mouth against mine, our tongues immediately fighting each other. It was the most intense kiss I've ever had.

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