A tutoring lesson ❤️‍🔥

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Tom was told by professor Slughorn to tutor you in Potions, since your grades got worse. He texted you to come to his dormitory to study, even though you were supposed to have a Quidditch practice later that day...


🌶️🌶️ / 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️




Being forced to tutor another student was one thing. But being forced to tutor my probably biggest rival when it comes to studying...

I looked up to professor Slughorn as he was the only adult at Hogwarts I actually didn't really despise. That's why I agreed to tutor the girl in Potions, but she was actually so bad at it that even I had to fight the urge to not start laughing when her potion exploded straight into her face.

I've chosen to tutor her in my dormitory and I didn't really know why I didn't pick library or the Potions classroom instead.

It was actually quite easy to open the text messages and order her to come in the evening. She was always smiling, always happy and wasn't afraid to speak her mind in front of everyone. She wasn't scared of being judged. Unlike me. But that was just my problem and no one else was aware of it, fortunately.

Was it a bad decision to confide her about my troubles falling asleep? Would she be that mean to gossip about it? No. And it actually felt kinda good to have something in common with her.

It was almost 8 pm when I heard a hesitant knock on the door of my dormitory, so I rose from the chair and opened the door.

"Hey!" She giggled, one hand behind her back. "I brought you something as a thank you for making time for me, Tom."

Her confidence didn't surprise me at all, but I had to admit being in her presence was refreshing. It was like she was the sun. I felt positive energy whenever I looked at her and whenever I heard her voice.

Maybe... No. No way. Never.

"Welcome, Y/n. Are you aware that this is supposed to be a tutoring lesson, right?" I asked her when she handed me a small package of bonbons filled with white and dark chocolate.

"This is not a-"

"A date?" she said, making herself comfortable on my bed. "Of course not, you're untouchable. Who with a healthy mind would date you?"

Her words cut deeper than I thought they would, but I still raised the corners of my lips to form a slight smile. "That's right, Y/n. Well, thank you for the chocolate. How did you know I like those?"

She took off her sweatshirt and folded it before replying: "I don't know... I was lucky while choosing it at Hogsmeade earlier today I guess."

"Of course. Very lucky."

"So? What are we starting with?" Y/n asked, making me wake up from my thoughts.

I couldn't stop thinking about what she said- that nobody with a healthy mind would date me. It hurt. It hurt as hell.

Two hours later...

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