The Basilisk attack PART 1 💘🌧️

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You're a muggle born witch returning to your dorm from your evening Quidditch practice when you start hearing weird noises. That is why you decide to text Tom Riddle to help you,
even though you are aware he hates muggles...
He got very angry as expected, even called you a useless, stupid mudblood and blocked your phone number before he could see your text when you confessed your love to him...


-anxiety, sadness, panic attack




I rolled my eyes after blocking the girl and turned off my cell phone just in case she would try texting me from a different device. I would forget her in a matter of seconds if only she wasn't stuck deep inside of my head.

Not heart because I didn't have any.

I looked around and as soon as I was sure no one else was in the corridor, I leaned my back against the cold stone wall while clenching my fist and taking a deep breath.

I hated her, but I hated myself even more because I wanted her at the same time. It was unbearable.

Mudbloods were only garbage of the wizarding world, nothing else. She had no right to be so attractive and intelligent and kind to me even though I treated her so bad only because I had been developing certain feelings for her and nobody should know about it. Especially her.

That is why I made sure to hate her even more than the others. But maybe I took it too far today. All those insults she absolutely didn't deserve to be called...

I closed my eyes tightly, imagining her kissing me, running her gentle hands through my hair while looking at me with love and kindness.

If my ancestor Salazar Slytherin could hear my thoughts right now... If he knew his heir was obsessed with a muggle witch...

I opened my eyes again after hearing distant voices, and felt the urge to unblock the girl's phone number and run to her. I did my best to resist it like every day and headed to my dormitory to study for an upcoming exam.


When I woke up the next morning, I realized I was once dreaming about her and I hated myself for it again.

I quickly took a cold shower to occupy my head with something else than the muggle witch's mesmerizing eyes. Then, while walking through the Common room to head to the Great hall for breakfast, I almost missed Rosier's deep voice calling me.

"Tom, everything is going according to your plan. Very well!" He was so excited when I looked at him, that it made me a little suspicious.

His smiled even increased when he added: "Two Mudbloods in two months? Wow. That's simply incredible."

"Another one? When?"

"Yesterday. Come with me, you have to see her!"

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