You won't date the loser ⚡💘

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- none, expect tension instead

Also, I'm using the name Blake in this story. Not Y/n ;)




It was such a strange feeling sitting in the Slytherin common room with my best friend Pansy and her boyfriend Draco beside me. The room was cosy and warm, there was no problem with that. It just felt weird being from a different house and still being accepted into their group.

I've always thought that Slytherins were just rude, but I realized pretty quickly that it wasn't true at all. My boyfriend Adrian, who I thought was mean before starting our relationship, respected me and my hobbies which I truly loved about him, but...

Before he asked me out on a date, there was this guy who immediately caught my eye and who I couldn't stop thinking about for a few years.

It was a bad idea being in love with Tom Riddle, who didn't show any kind of affection towards any girl or anything alive, to be honest. I've always thought that if he atleast tried having a conversation with someone, having one person who he could trust unconditionally... Maybe he wouldn't be so rude and cold.

Over the past years, my feelings for Tom grew into an obsession, but I still managed to do well even though he didn't look me in the eyes once. It seemed to me like he lived in another world.

Just when I started to think about him again and feel bad about my boyfriend, Tom appeared right in front of me and my friends.

He successfully pretended I wasn't there while announcing to Pansy and Draco that he was going to spend the day in the library. That wasn't anything new. He was there all the time. Even on weekends. It bothered me, though, that he was so charming to everyone else, but managed to ignore me. I didn't even remember the last time we spoke to each other. Was it a month ago?

I've had enough with his attitude.

"Excuse me, I'm going to be right back," I told Pansy who broke the kiss with Draco to look at me with a weird expression on her face.

I walked out from the common room and headed upstairs to follow Tom and potentionally confront him. If he hated me, it would be better to hear it. I couldn't stand the ignorance anymore.

"Tom? Wait!" I yelled at him when I finally saw him not too far away from me. He, of course, didn't stop and continued walking.

I couldn't breathe properly by the time I started running on the stairs to get to him faster, but he was impossibly fast. I had to stop, otherwise I would faint. I was sure of that now. He hated me.

"Where are you running?"

I jumped when my boyfriend stepped from behind a corner, looking at me very suspiciously. "Oh, I just-"

"Don't lie to me, you cheap slut! I just saw Riddle walking out of the common room right before you. I didn't think a girl like you would risk cheating on me!"

The way he said it... He meant every single word that came from his mouth and I couldn't believe the sudden change in his behavior. At all.

"What do you mean a girl like me? I know I'm not hot like Pansy or smart like Astoria, you don't need to remind me!" I yelled back.

Adrian's voice got higher. He didn't care we weren't alone in the castle when he started speaking again.

"You should be thankful I chose you since all Ravenclaws are basically freaks! Why Riddle? Don't you know he despises you? Did you use the love potion to make him fuck you or what?"

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