Slytherin party PART 3 💘

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Please, read until the end to witness rare, soft and romantic version of Tommy. I promise you won't regret it 🩷




Tom has he had enough of his duties as a Head boy. He was ashamed to admit it mostly because the professors would be disappointed in him. They seemed to forget his past and focused only on how perfect student he was.

Tom adored studying, reading and writing essays about anything, but he didn't like the interaction with other students and that's exactly one of the things that a Headboy should do regularly. He did well, but he despised it at the same time.

It was warm outside, so he left his cloak in the dormitory and headed to the Forbidden forest to clean his head after a long day.

The forest was one of the places he'd felt the safest. Not only because no other student dared going there alone. Tom liked the place mostly because he could do anything he wanted and nobody could hear or see him. It was different than going to the Chamber of Secrets. He would never admit it, but he enjoyed spending time on fresh air surrounded by the odd creatures and calmess of the forest.

He inhaled deeply and he would swear the headache he had been dealing with since yesterday, finally decided to vanish.

The old leaves were crunching under his footsteps and Tom raised his head to see the trees which started to bloom. It was true. The spring, the season he despised, was coming to Hogwarts.

Tom was walking deep and deep into the darkness of the forest and didn't care about the few centaurs walking calmly not too far away from him. He minded his own business and they didn't bother him.

Sometimes, Tom could hear birds singing and owls howling, and it calmed him a little bit. It was way more different than hearing the laughs of other students, their gossips and pointless arguing. They were so immature...

He stepped on one of the huge rock and jumped down on the soft grass. Then, he finally appeared on the place he liked the

Tom didn't hesitate and walked straight to the old and very wide tree. He would often sit there with his back leaned against the tree while writing in his diary, reading a book or just thinking about the future.

He walked around the tree to sit but- She was there.


He was truly shocked. It really was the girl which he hadn't talked with since the Slytherin party. Since the night he had to carry her in his arms because she fainted in his dormitory and Theodore was too drunk to take of her.

The girl started packing her things to leave the place, but Tom started speaking again. She won't run away. Not now.

"I haven't seen you in weeks, Y/n. Have you been hiding from me?"

"I haven't..." she replied and finally looked up to him.

Tom normally despised the vulnerability of others and how weak they behaved, but he recognized something was different with Y/n.

He almost felt sorry for her when he noticed the tiredness in her face, the eyes filled with sadness and no remains of happiness. The girl who wasn't afraid of teasing him, the girl he started to admire
for her dedication in studying and many other things... She was gone.

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