We won't be separated⚡

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You and Tom were supposed to meet at the Forbidden forest a few days ago, but you didn't come and left him completely confused and disappointed. Later, Tom found out you were about to go on a date with another Slytherin, and he took care of this little issue so he could have another chance with you...
It's safe to say he didn't really like the possibility of you dating others and ignoring him...





You opened the door, greeted the old librarian and headed straight to the back. Tom always prefered sitting there because he didn't like it when other people watched him studying. Or do basically anything. He was a very private person.

When you walked around the tables, you saw him sitting near the section of poisonous herbs. It didn't take long for him to notice you and closing his book.
A smirk appeared on his face as you looked down at him.

"You're welcome, Y/n."

"So it was really you, Tom? Seriously? That's... That's so..."

You couldn't find the right word to adress Tom's behavior. What on earth could he tell Lestrange who texted you to never speak to him again?

"Either me, or no one else. It's only your fault I had to take care of it myself. That young man used to be one of my loyal companions, but as soon as I found out he was about to meet you without earning my permission to do so..." Tom bit the inside of his cheek when he looked at me. It was like he tried his best to not start laughing.


"You know why, Y/n. Don't play stupid, because my patience is over."

His eyes glowed when you got closer to the table, the tension between us almost unbearable.

"I really don't know why you keep acting so possessive, Tom. Am I not allowed to date? You can't control me, I'm not your toy. Do you think you are somehow better than the other boys? That you have rights to make decisions for me even though I'm capable of doing that myself?"

Tom clenched his hands in fists, his knuckles almost white. "We have unfinished business, Y/n. You agreed on going out with me first and I won't allow you to move on until you are sure you don't like my company. We have to spend some time together and if you still feel like you don't like me enough, only then I will possibly allow you to see other boys. It's simple."

You bit your lip when Tom rose from his chair, tilting his head to the side. If only he wasn't so attractive, everything would be so much easier. The way he looked at you was unbearable and you couldn't help yourself but blush like an idiot. Any girl would have the same reaction, you were sure of it.

"So?" Tom asked, his eyes scanning your face carefully. "What's it going to be? Stop pretending you don't want me, I'm getting bored of it."

"I had no idea you cared about me that much... We-"

"Yes, darling?" Tom said, caressing your cheek so gently that you almost jumped at him. His soft, velvety voice, his gaze... He knew what he was doing and he was right. You wanted him.

"We can try it," you finished the sentence, raising your head slowly to look Tom in his dark brown eyes full of secrets and mysteries. "I know we are a perfect match, we are too similar to each other... I know that once we start talking more..."

"We won't be separated," said Tom, his other hand snaking around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"Exactly," you breathed and your throat tightened when Tom briefly kissed you before pulling away. You were burning inside, your body silently begging for his attention and touch.

"I don't think I will survive if you leave me one day... I fear you're going to break my heart, Tom."

"Oh, darling. That won't happen," he disagreed.

You bit your lip again after he said that and looked away before telling him you were still scared to go to the Forbidden forest. To your surprise, he just nodded, no sign of him being angry with you. Maybe you shouldn't have listened to your classmates who were sure Tom was a liar and a monster in disguise.

Tom lowered his head to kiss the top of your hand, his lips soft and warm against your cold skin. "Then we will meet here in the library, alright? I don't want you to choose another boy again just to make me crave you more. Tomorrow at 8 pm. I'll be waiting."

You only stared at him while he took his books and left the library without looking back, your heart pounding like crazy.

Yes. You were totally in love with him.


At first, Tom honestly thought the fellow Slytherins were lying when they told him about Y/n and Lestrange getting closer. It drove him crazy. Why would she chose him? Why didn't she let him know she was scared to go to the Forbidden forest?

He expected at least a message from her, a simple I'm sorry, Tom. Could we meet somewhere else, please?

After Tom found Lestrange was seriously interested in Y/n, he made sure he would never contact her again. It was too easy. In fact, Tom would bet Lestrange would negotiate, but it never happened.

Y/n belonged to Tom even though she pretended she didn't really like him. But the reactions of her body spoke otherwise.

The way she was biting her lips, the way her cheeks flushed, how she looked away whenever Tom looked directly in her eyes... He was obsessed with the girl. And he was prepared to do anything to make her like him back.

Yes, Y/n agreed on meeting with him in the library, she looked excited and flustered when Tom kissed her... But that wasn't enough. He has to make sure she's obsessed with him by the end of their date today. Once she is... Well, she is never going to even think about the possibility of choosing another boy over Tom.

It was stupid. Tom has never felt love, he has never felt any of those stupid emotions like people who weren't conceived like him... But when it came to Y/n, he was sure it was a slight hint of jealousy what made him react the way he did.

Yes, he was jealous and obsessed. He had to have her only for himself, he wanted her to become his little pet. Someone he can command to, and maybe she only played hard to get. Maybe she wanted him all the time and her being scared of going to the Forest was only an excuse...

Tom could have entered her head thanks to Legilimency, he could have looked and see what was true, but he didn't really want to invade her privacy. Not now.

He left the library, the taste of her lip balm still lingering on Tom's lips. He's never felt that kind of attraction towards anyone or anything before and something was telling him this was so wrong. However, the girl seemed to be feeling the exact same thing and maybe it was a proof they were meant for each other.

Nobody knew Tom had never had a girlfriend before and it was better like that. He had no idea how he was supposed to behave, what to say, what was expected from him. Asking the girl to be his girlfriend was something...Well, he wasn't sure how he will do that and when, but she had to be his. Only his.

He felt some kind of embarassment while walking away from her. But what else what he supposed to do? Apologize for being a cold hearted individual not being able to keep a conversation going? Absolutely not.

Tom was used to getting anything he wanted. He will get under the girl's skin, he will make her crave him even more until she cannot stay away from him.

And something was telling him he won't have to try hard.



Thank you for reading this story, Riddlings. Have a lovely weekend and thank you so much for your support and your kind words. I'm so happy you like reading my stories <3

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