I made a mistake PART 2 🌧️

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"Ohhh," said Theodore and I felt the urge to punch him when she and her friends turned our direction before sitting by the fireplace across the room.

Her expression...

I wasn't sure if I only imagined what happened earlier today. She was again full of energy, smiling and gossiping with other girls. It seemed like she tried so hard to persuade herself and also the others that everything was alright.

"Theodore," I said, "you have Italian roots, right? You will help me with this. I know that Italian and Spanish are similar to each other."

I didn't give him a chance to say no. I simply told him what I've heard in the song and Theodore gave me multiple words to choose from until I was hundred percent sure the meaning of the song.

"So, some of the words I've heard sounded like suf- sufrend or something like this..." I started. "Then I remember ex de verdad and-"

Theodore choked on his tea. "Stop right there, Tom. I know what it is. Ehm, whoever sang the song is actually heartbroken."

I let him reach for his phone and stilled when the song started silently playing and I saw the translation on the screen.

My heart couldn't take it anymore no matter how hard I tried to pretend I don't care about her.

"Tom?" said Nott after I gave him the phone back. "I would say something, but I don't want to lose my tongue, you know? Girls love my tongue..."

I raised my eyebrows and didn't stop the face of disgust to appear on my face.

"You're impossible, Nott. But I dare you, say whatever you want. I won't hurt you."

He crossed his arms on his chest and took a deep breath before muttering: "I would say you messed something up real bad, Tom. And I would also say that you're..."

"Go on."

Theodore bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes piercing into the sofa in front of him. "I would say you're an asshole."

"Well, you're lucky I told you I wouldn't hurt you, Nott. But next time, don't call me those words."

Anger flew through my whole body because he was right.

I was an asshole. I was a miserable coward, too.

I couldn't help myself but look at Stephanie who just laughed at some joke and my throat tightened at the sight of some Hufflepuff boy who just entered the common room.

What in the hell is he doing in here?

Why is he walking towards MY Steph and why is she greeting him with a smile on her face?

Why is she pretending to be alright when she's clearly in the same position as me?

I closed the dictionary and before the Hufflepuff weirdo opened his mouth to start a conversation, I rushed to the sofa where Stephanie was comfortably sitting at.

Without further thinking, I grabbed her by her hand and walked with her further from her friend group until we reached the stairs. To my surprise, she didn't resist my touch.

"Tom? What's happening?"

I didn't let go of her. Instead, I interlocked my fingers with hers and waited a few seconds before telling her: "You said you were doing fine without me. But you lied."

She sighed and tried going away, but I held her tight. "I am. I am doing great, actually. See?"

She smiled, but the only thing I could focus on was the sadness in her eyes. No matter how hard she tried to convince me and herself, she wasn't able to hide how sad she really was.

"You're not, Steph. Don't pretend you're fine because I know you aren't. I heard you today... I know the meaning of the song and I want to apologize for being a jerk to you. You didn't deserve it."

She only swallowed, her forced smile dropping from her lips. "What?"

"You heard me."

I walked with her behind one of the huge columns and caressed her cheek. Her biting her lip when I stepped closer to her made me want to kiss her so bad, but I couldn't. Not now.

"You called me Steph... It was always Stephanie. Until today," she said, while carefully watching my every move.

"I know, and I apologize for treating you so poorly. You've always been mine and you always will be. My darling. My Steph."

Seeing how the sadness vanished from her eyes was probably even better than getting an Outstanding grade. And seeing her taking a deep breath before she stood on tiptoes to kiss my cheek was... I had no idea how to describe it.

"I pretended to be happy, because you can't stand weakness in people. I wanted to show you that I'm strong, that I can get over the break up..." She shook her head and tucked a few strands of her wavy hair behind her ears.

I wrapped my arms around her to hug her, because I rarely did that when we were dating and I let her hug me tightly after I rested my chin on top of her head.

My hands stroked her back in slow, circular motions as I was breathing in her sweet perfume and enjoying the warmth of her body.

"I need you back," I muttered into her hair. "I do not need nobody else. I am deeply sorry for breaking up... I realized I don't care anymore what is supposed to be bad or good. I just know for sure that I want you back, not only as my girlfriend, but also as my confidant."

She pulled away from me a little to look me in the eyes and the slight accent in her soft voice made my heart beat a little faster when she started speaking again.

"This is the only thing I wish for, Tommy. To have you back. I promise I'll try harder to-"

I lowered my head to kiss her on her lips gently so she would stop talking. I was the one who needed to try harder. In every possible way.

"Let's go, Steph. I would like to hear you sing while I'll be playing the piano. But this time, no songs about ex boyfriends..."

She giggled and a single tear ran down her flushed cheek before she wiped it off. "Okay, I promise."

When we walked through the common room, my hand around Steph's waist, I slightly nodded at Nott sipping his tea.

It was mostly thanks to him we got together and even if I might never tell it to him, I won't stop being grateful for that.


Hope you liked this story 💓 Have a nice Thursday, Riddlings!

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