You are on your period ❤️‍🔥

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we're also going to be delulu this time
soft and caring Tommy




I opened the door of my dorm to let Tom walk inside with a few books in his arms, his diary, and...

"A tulip? Where did you find it?"

Closing the door behind him, I watched him put his things on the table near the window. Then he handed me my favourite flower and stroked my cheek with cold fingertips of his other hand.

His gaze was so fixed on me that I flushed, turning away from him. I'll never get used to it, I thought as he brushed my hair back behind my ears.

"Look at me, Y/n."

I winced when I heard his commanding voice. Not because I was afraid of him. I liked when he was giving me commands, most of the time in our dorms when we were enjoying each other's... presence. He was a very dominant man.

"You are beautiful," he said, obviously fighting with words. "I'm aware I pour my heart in my poems and rarely tell those things to you in person. I find you kind, caring, attractive... Why are you in such a bad mood today, mhm?"

I bit my lip when he moved closer and put his strong hands on my hips.

"It's just my period which has just started and I- My hormones are unpredictable and I feel not worthy of your attention. I'm sorry-"

Tom shut me up with a kiss as I stood there. It didn't matter how often we had slept with each other and what kind of things we had been doing. I knew I will never get used to the desire, lust and passion.

He let go of me, sat on the bed and tapped on his thighs. "You are overthinking too much, darling. Sit, I'll read you my newest poem."

I made myself comfortable on Tom's lap as he reached for his old black diary. It took a few seconds for him to find the wanted poem and read it to me in a monotone, yet sensual voice.

The poem was about two souls lost in the darkness being finally able to find each other. It was written about us, Tom and myself. Tom's choice of words was once again perfect, I felt all his emotions he had never been able to show on his beautiful face.

The pain in my abdomen was almost unbearable the moment Tom stopped reading. It's been barely a few hours since my period started, the worst was yet to come unfortunately.

"I love the poem, and I love you... but the pain is killing me," I panted, squeezing my belly. "I'm sorry, it's so embarassing."

Tom sighed, his hands wrapping around my body, his soft lips planting kisses on my shoulder. "Menstrual cycle is an important part of being a female, nothing about that matter is embarrassing."

I frowned and hissed when a wave of pain made it's way to my lower back.

Tom's hot breath warmed me when he chuckled against my skin. "I've heard that sexual intercourse helps with the cramps."

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