You are pregnant 🌧️❤️‍🔥

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You hadn't been feeling too well for the past week... Yesterday you even vomited all over Tom and this morning, you texted him about your suspicion of being pregnant with fear of how he
could possibly react.

Y/n and Tom aren't teenagers, they're over 20 years old in this story.


🌶️ / 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️




My hands were shaking when I put my phone on the table and took a deep breath after looking at the positive pregnancy test again.

I lied to Tom for the first time since we started dating but I couldn't tell him the truth. He would dump me and never speak to me again... And that was the good scenario. Tom could be cruel and I didn't want to see what he would do to our unborn baby.

We were both young... I knew Tom wasn't ready to be a father, not when he despised his own father for leaving his mother. I wasn't ready to be a mother either. We both knew what could be the result of sex without protection. We knew yet we risked it anyways, not bothered by the consequences of our actions.

Taking another deep breath to resist the urge to throw up, I caressed my lower belly before getting up and heading towards Tom's dorm. He will find out soon, that's for sure, but until then I wanted to enjoy every minute in his presence.

A few months ago, I wouldn't even dare to dream he could ever fancy me and now I couldn't imagine losing him over something we both took part in.

Tom was sitting on his bed, his back against the wall and he was reading. I smiled as much as I could after closing the door of his room, and climbed to bed.

He looked at me suspiciously when I gently stroked his cheek and all I could think of was how on Earth I'll be able to keep it a secret for so long.

"I was a bit too harsh, darling. What I meant to say was that maybe, sometimes in future... I cannot be a father now, I'm not ready yet," he said, undressing me slowly and looking at my flat stomach. "There is a lot things I have to do to pave my way to become even more powerful."

It will change soon. My whole appearance will change.

I let out a sigh when his hands roamed over my exposed body in a possessive way. Before I could say something, Tom slammed his lips on mine. All the negative thoughts about the pregnancy vanished as he pushed me on his bed and started getting rid of all the anger I caused him to feel.


I was standing in front of a full lenght mirror only in my underwear, my hands resting on my growing belly. I bit my lip as I turned around, looking at all the stretch marks. The baby was doing great. I was already in the sixth month of pregnancy and I couldn't even remember the last time I threw up.

Tom... The last time I saw him was two months ago when we finished all of the exams.

After that, he told me he had some business to do in London and that he would be back in the beginning of the new month. I would lie if I said I wasn't scared of him finding out. After all, he was a very skilled wizard... I didn't ask him what his business was about, it was better to know nothing about it. The professors didn't mind his absence since all of his tests ended up being excellent so he had a free way.

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