Punish me ❤️‍🔥

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Tom has received a text message from you telling him that you had tried performing a new spell and you're now hurt. But it was just a prank to mess with him.

You two are enemies/ academic rivals.

!! This story contains spicy scenes!!


🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ / 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️




When she stopped replying to my text messages, I started getting seriously frightened. Y/n was a skilled witch who never needed help with anything...

I was thinking about the possible spell she was trying to perform, and which made her feel sick, but there were hundreds of them that were capable of this. Yes, we were rivals, maybe even enemies, but I couldn't let her suffer alone.

I pulled my wand from my robe and muttered: "Alohomora."

The door opened wide and I walked into the dark silent room with fear of what I was going to witness. Raising my eyebrows, I turned around and found Y/n sitting on the edge of her bed. She was trying her best to not burst into laughter while biting her lower lip.

She was completely fine. No sign of her feeling unwell.

"I'm sorry, Tom. You should see yourself right now!"

"Joking about health is not funny at all, Y/n." I said as I put my wand inside of my pocket again and turned on my feet to leave her room. I didn't have time for this childish behavior.

"Wait!" She yelled and lowered her voice when I looked at her. The only thing she was wearing was a satin nightgown in a shade of emerald green.

"I was just curious if you actually cared about the others, you know?"

I crossed my arms on my chest and leaned against the door. "I don't."

"Really? Then why did you come? If you hated me the way I hate you, you would leave me here without regrets."

"I would lose the only student that is actually able to keep up with me. Besides, you don't hate me."

I smirked at her after noticing how much effort she put into her make-up this evening as well as her hair, and also the way she behaved. She was no longer the quiet, introverted girl I used to know.

It was new, but I liked it.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Tom. Yes, I hate you. And you hate me. It's always been like this. I just wanted to see if you had a heart, because I was convinced you didn't have any. Many people share this opinion with me..."

Shaking my head, I walked towards her with hands behind my back. "Then how am I alive if I don't have a heart? Well? Your assumption doesn't make any sense at all, Y/n."

Seeing her look up at me with her big doe eyes made me feel things I have never felt in my life. It was something I considered wrong the whole time, but...

She blinked slowly when she noticed the slight change in the way I stared down at her. It was like she was able to tell I felt a surprising urge to push her down on the bed.

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