Ice skating on the Black lake 💘

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You forgot to inform Tom, your boyfriend, that you were going ice skating on the Black lake. He texted you and called you many times and you not picking up your phone made him furious and also scared.


🩷🩷/ 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷




Of course I knew my girlfriend was a very skilled ice skater, but I didn't think she would be that crazy and bold to go alone and not inform anyone. It started snowing not too long ago and if something bad happened to her, no one would be able see it and help her.

And that was probably the only nightmare I've ever had in my entire life. Not me not being able to become the greatest wizard, not me not being the most powerful person walking on Earth... It was me losing her and having no chance of bringing her back to life.

It didn't take long for me to get to the shore of the Black lake and see Y/n enjoying herrself, spinning on the ice and jumping with so much joy that I had to smile too. Her talent was extraordinary.

I was excellent at many things, but I knew that I would fall down the moment I would step on the ice.

Taking my hands out of the pockets to wave at her, I carefully stepped on the thick layer of ice. It was crystal clear so I had no problem seeing the dark water of the lake as well as as the bright green scales of one of the creatures living in there.

The thought of me possibly slipping and falling on my face made me chuckle a little but I still continued walking towards Y/n. We were alone, no one would see me embarrassing myself if it was going to happen today.

"Do you want to try it too, Tommy?" She  asked me as soon as she were closer to me.

The excitement in her soft voice made my heart of ice melt a little. It made me vulnerable, but as long as it was only her seeing this side of me, I was okay with it. She has never judged me, she has never made fun of me and that was the proof I needed to be sure Y/n was the right girl for me.

Once she was standing in front of me, I could clearly see her red cheeks and hair covered in snowflakes. Y/n looked adorable, even though I would most likely never tell it to her. Whenever I felt the need to confess my feelings, I wrote her a poem. It was way better and more comfortable than talking. Sometimes I could go days without opening my mouth and socialize with other people, I was better off alone only with my thoughts and ideas.

"Not today, my dear Y/n. Look at you. So elegant on ice, yet so clumsy on the ground," I said, reaching my hand and caressing her cheek.

Her skin was so cold, her lips almost purple... I didn't want her to risk the frost bite although she was probably used to the cold. Still, I didn't like the thought of her getting sick and spending time in her dorm and in her bed when there was the option to prevent it from happening.

"How long have you been here?"

"Oh... Well, I think... for about two hours?"

"We're leaving. Now." I ordered. "Two hours without a scarf, mittens and warm drink? I can't believe what I'm hearing. And I bet you didn't even bother to bring your wand, did you?"

Because Y/n didn't reply, I added: "Would you rather greet our little friends living underneath the water? Because there's quite many of them eager to find something or someone to eat..."

She gasped while looking down through the transparent layer of thick ice and yelped: "What? I thought they moved somewhere warmer during winter times!"

I had to look away when I saw my girlfriend's horrifed face to not laugh out loud. She really looked adorable.

"I thought you knew it. That's why I was so surprised when you texted me you went here alone, darling. Knowing how much you are scared of them-"

Before I could say anything else, she was already on the shore, changing her shoes. "I won't come here ever again. Or at least not alone. Are you satisfied, Tom?"

"Yes," I nodded. "I am very satisfied. And now come, we're leaving. I have to punish you for not telling me you were going in here. I need to make sure you know I won't let that happen again. "

"How will you do that?" She asked with a clear challenge in her soft voice, batting her long eyelashes at me.

Alright. As you wish.

"Studying. I know how much you hate History of Magic and how boring you find the subjects, so that's my punishment for you. If I am not wrong, there's an exam coming after the holidays."

Her smile dropped when she noticed I was very serious and that I wasn't going to change my mind.

"You're kidding me, right? Studying? On the first day of the holidays?"

"Have you ever seen me joking? No, I don't think you have. Come on. We can do things you thought of after I make sure you're prepared for the exam. By the way, you are a very good skater," I said before lowering my head and kissing her nearly frozen lips to warm them up a little.

"Come one," I chuckled after she frowned. "I will ask the house elves to bring us some hot chocolate. And what would you say to a large piece of a delicious chocolate cake? I promise it won't be that bad. After all, you couldn't wish for a better tutor..."

She grabbed my hand and muttered something which could be a simple Okay.

"Very good. Let's go, darling. We have some work to do."



Thank you so much for reading this extra short but cute story. I really hope you enjoyed it because I'm finally posting the Prologue of my fanfiction tomorrow (if everything goes according to plans). And it most certainly won't feed your delusions, I'm sorry in advance 💔

Also, I know I say this all the time, but ... Almost 2k votes, 100k reads on this book and over 1400 followers? That's unbelievable and totally amazing.

@WhyDidIGetThis1133 and @ALASTOR_ROGERS - thank you for motivating me and for being so kind. I'm not taking it for granted.

I love you all so much, my Riddlings!! <3


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