Our secret (part 2) 💘

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You were dared by your best friend to touch Tom's lips which led to a make-out session on an abandoned corridor. You promised Tom your loyalty and accepted the Dark mark...




I have spent the rest of the evening in the common room, not bothered by the questioning looks of my bestfriend. The only thing I was able to think about was Tom and the tattoo he had made on my arm, right above my wrist.

It hurt so much I wasn't even able to think of anything else. My skin tingled as if the wound was slowly healing. Maybe it wasn't but I was too big of a coward to look at it. Or ask Tom.

I wasn't even sure how to cover it properly... The tattoo wasn't really small and I knew I could get into real trouble if some of the professors sees it. And it was also moving... I had no idea how it was possible for Tom to achieve it. What kind of spell he had used.

When the door of the entrance to the common room opened quietly, I felt a strong urge to scratch my arm again. The first boy to enter was Avery, Lestrange went in right after him, and finally... It was none other than Tom Riddle whose cold eyes locked in mine the second he stepped in the loud room.

Then, he looked at my arm as if he could somehow sense I wasn't really comfortable with the feeling of the tattoo on my sensitive skin.

Lowering my head so my bestfriend wouldn't get suspicious, I started playing with the buttons on my shirt.

Tom's group of his minions moved to sit on a large sofa nearby, each of them looking grumpy and bored. Not long after they forced one of the house elves to pour them a shot of firewhiskey, I felt Tom's presence in my head.

I didn't really mind not knowing how to get him out. I would gladly become his puppet begging for his attention and doing anything in order to please him.

It's been hours and you are still in pain. Why didn't you bother to let me you want to scratch my mark off your skin?

I raised my head to see him grinning. Did he really just ask me that? Didn't he already know the answer?

I swallowed while my bestfriend sitting next to me wasn't aware of anything that was happening. Speaking of my bestfriend, she unexpectedly rose from the sofa and headed straight to the dorms without saying a word.

She went to finish her Charms project without her being aware it was me who made her do it, obviously. Now, answer my question, Y/n.

I audibly gasped but quickly closed my mouth again when Tom's friends turned my direction with raised eyebrows. As soon as they found out nothing interesting was happening, they ignored me again.

You don't want to talk? Suit yourself then, suffer in silence, Y/n.


Please what? Tom grinned again, clearly finding the situation very amusing.

I don't want to be in pain anymore, help me please.

He only smirked. That's more like it. I love hearing you beg. Alright, I am going to leave the common room. Follow me after a few minutes, I'll be waiting for you at our place.

I nodded, watching Tom leaving the room immediately after he was done talking to me. His minions didn't even notice being abandoned as they were too busy drinking the firewhiskey. Good. Maybe the won't notice me sneaking out either...

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